Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I like a good classic meal just as much as the next person, but sometimes I like to throw random things together. Personally, I believe I'll enjoy the concoctions because they are all ingredients I eat. Other people on the other hand may be disgusted by what I choose to throw together at the end of the day. Isn't that strange....and fantastic? If I had guests over I'd never throw something together that didn't sound "normal" unless I'd tried it first. That's the beauty of cooking for one! Food has to live up to my standards and that's it. Don't get me wrong, I love company. I love cooking (but mostly baking) for others. I just go with what I know and it all works out. 
This morning I made oats again because they were just so good last night. I switched up what I added to them. (I couldn't just have oats without a little flava flav) I added Greek Honey yogurt and some chocolate nuggets. They aren't Nestle Tollhouse morsels but you should check out this old commercial. It's too funny to pass up. 

I also had a little bit of oat milk on the side. It may have been too many oats for one morning. Just saying.
And then this happened. The chocolate melted and all was right in the world. 
Later I was on campus sweating up a storm in the library. Are the books cold? Why must the library always have to be so hot? I was not feeling my best after that so I revived myself with an iced passion tea and a pumpkin muffin. 
The top is the best part!
Here is where randomness really shines. I'm sick of salads with the main ingredient being lettuce. I thought I'd try a lettuce-less salad consisting of edamame, spinach, and feta. 
I've never tried this dressing but I love ginger. The ginger flavor was perfect in this dressing. I'm glad I tried it! Who knows if all of those salad ingredients go with this dressing, I enjoyed it and will probably make it again! It should go without saying but with the name Annie, how could it be bad?


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