Thursday, June 28, 2012

A voice that's buried in the hollow

I'm going back to Seattle tomorrow after an extended amount of time in the state of Illinois (with a dash of Wisconsin thrown in there).  The first half of 2012 has left me lucky enough to travel for more than a long weekend and work from wherever I may be on a given day.  Like I said, very lucky.  Sure, I can't plan for the second half of the year, but I know that regardless, I'm still lucky for what I've been able to do.  I usually come to Chicago with a half dozen or so of planned events.  That numbers starts to multiply quickly but I can't complain.  I am usually able to see everyone I hold near and dear to my heart.

When I first left Illinois, I was lucky enough to move to a place in which I fell madly in love (post University of Iowa, of course!).  And thankfully, Washington and I have not fallen out of love, nor will we!  I missed Illinois and my friends and family, but I was able to continue to talk to them constantly without being extremely homesick.  This was mostly because I was making incredible friends and experiencing all things great about the northwest.  I did get just wasn't as frequent.  However, as I've grown and my relationships have changed, I tend to get a little more homesick.  Thankfully I don't have to travel around the world (wait----that sounds like a pretty good idea) and I can see everyone in one swoop.  I'm always ready to go back to Seattle when I have to leave.  That is a fact.  It's something about that fresh, misty air that makes my heart smile...and the fact that my life is out there...but without fail, I seem to get a tad glum as I leave the people who mean so much to me.  I can only ask everyone to move to Seattle so many times before I get the hint that the extreme weather is their preference...

But you know what?  My life doesn't get worse, it just adjusts.  And so does the time zone.  That's not so bad, after all.
image via Pinterest

Miss you already (again and again).


Monday, June 25, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Close enough to heaven

Have you ever flown from Seattle to Portland?  It's worth a trip.  It takes 30 minutes and despite flying with ten others in a small plane and counting down every minute, I was absolutely speechless.
 Mt. Rainier.  

Wait for it...

The view of Mt. St. Helens. 

I was simply in awe.  If you ever forget about how beautiful this world is my proof.  Thanks, world. 


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy National Running Day!

Usually, I try to celebrate the essential holidays.  I've celebrated National Wine Day, Doughnut (Donut? I never know) Day, Margarita Day, and Cookie Day, to name a few.  It's not fair to limit yourself to specific holidays like Christmas, Fourth of July, etc.  Today is more of a healthy celebration, as it is National Running Day.  I had already planned to run so I just made sure I was as happy as I could be for each mile.  It's the least I could do on such a beautiful holiday.  

I hope those of you who celebrated enjoyed a good run.  It's refreshing.  Almost as much as a margarita...


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Stuck between the depths of my fears and peaks of my pride

I do my best to keep things upbeat and positive on this ol' blog here.  Why should it be negative?  Why should it be sad?  Why should I be unhappy?

The truth is, I'm not unhappy.  I promise!  I'm not negative,  but I can let negativity overrule my positivity.  My positive self always fights a good fight though.  It usually wins, which is best for all.  And sometimes, just sometimes, I feel sad.  Nothing major.  Just sad.  Exhausted.  Helpless.  I know, what kind of person am I?  A real human being?  Get outta here!

Some days I just cannot control my mind and my emotions.  I think it's because my hot yoga classes are over and I haven't done any sun salutations recently.  You think I'm joking...

Here are some truths:

I can't sleep anymore.  Well, I can...just not well.

I cry at Sprint stores when they make me feel stupid.

I also cry thinking about what day it is...

I complain about staring at a computer for work for too many hours.

I get worked up about little things that I can totally handle.

I have been saying "totally" a lot.  Naturally, I'm turning into an earthy, crunchy, Valley Girl in the Pacific Northwest!

I have been having strictly morbid dreams lately.  I get it from my mom, I think.  Thanks!

It doesn't help my dreams to have so many shootings in Seattle lately.

I'm ready to retire, just not financially ready.  Is that the part that needs to be ready?

I thought it would be best to listen to Norah Jones before bed so that my heart slows to a steady sprint.

Here are some lies:

Life stinks.
(Totally the biggest lie ever!)

And now, the good things: 

images via Pinterest

Now, I'm going to bed with a smile on my face.  Not to mention it's June 1st.  One day closer to June 2nd and so on...

Thanks for letting me vent.  I feel so much better already.  Have a happy Friday.  It really is worth it.

And as my sweet Ellen always says, "Be kind to one another." (I'm talking to you, Sprint man!)
