Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh, we're halfway there!

13 miles down, 13 miles to go! Doesn't seem like that many, but man oh man is it! I woke up at 7 am today and could not have been more pleased. I knew it'd be a sunny day out so clearly I was more excited than if it was pouring. It was brisk this morning but my fingers eventually thawed. Little victories. 
 While running, I contemplated taking the ferry to Alaska. I truly weighed the pros and cons. Let's just say school was not in the cons list. 
 Clear enough to see the mountains! Those are the best days. I never want to forget they are over there. I never want to regret not appreciating them enough either. 
I tried to smile before heading back for the second 6.5. This smile has a lot everything to do with today's dedication. 
 Running in Fairhaven is extremely peaceful. I love passing the coffee shops and breakfast places while peering through the glass and thinking about what they're eating and if they could spare some oatmeal for me they are having a lovely Sunday. 
Just like that, I made it home. 

Today's Dedication: Teresa
The reason I was smiling while running was because of this girl. I'm dedicating my 13 mile run to my dear friend, Teresa. She is one of the most genuine human beings I know with the most enjoyable personality. Whenever I think of Teresa, I think of smiles. She always smiles and that makes it even easier for the rest of the world to follow her lead. Her optimistic attitude toward life allows me to practice some of the same optimism. Even though Teresa is in Montana and I am in Washington, I think about her constantly and how distance doesn't matter because I don't have to be in the same room as Teresa to smile. Although it is generally preferred. As I was running, I thought about Teresa's perseverance throughout her college soccer career. She was D-1 by the way. I think that means she is phenomenal. No matter how stressful or difficult things got, I always heard a "bright side" tone in Teresa's voice. Can't argue with that. There always is a bright side. Sometimes patience is necessary to see it, but it shines through eventually. I knew as I ran that there would be a bright side and smiling was necessary. Perseverance is vital in order to achieve what you want. Maybe I want to become a professional blogger. Maybe I want to find an internship this week. Maybe I want to be close to my family. Maybe I want to get through a single day. Maybe I just want to run this marathon. Nothing will happen without perseverance. Nothing will happen without a smile on my face. Nothing will happen without Teresa as a friend. Life would be so frowny. 


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Be kind to one another.

If I had the opportunity to spend the day with anyone today, I would have to say Ellen DeGeneres. In all honesty, I'm sure I'd say that at least 360 days of the year. Today in particular would be nice because it's Ellen's 53rd birthday and you would never guess she was a day over 30! Clearly I am not shy to admit my admiration for one of the funniest people. I realize I've shared my passion for Ellen in the past but I may as well bring it up again. 

It is certainly not a mistake why Ellen has so many avid fans and followers. Each episode it is apparent that the audience is having the most wonderful, fun-filled time. At least that's how I felt. I never wanted to leave. If there was a hiding spot in the studio that was not videotaped for security, I would be there. I mean, I'd still be there...month after month. So surely there is a reason why I, along with millions of others, tape her show and watch it daily. It rarely has to do with the guests that are on the show each day. It is simply Ellen and the way she lives her life. She always smiles. She always laughs. She always finds the beauty in nature. She always loves. She always dances. She always jokes. She always brings good tears to my eyes. She always has energy. She always has sparkle. She always is kind. She always helps. She is always Ellen. 

She always wants you to stay hydrated.

So maybe it would have been nice to get a phone, or a watch, or a trip to Vegas, or to be in the same room as Julia Roberts, or to eat a piece of her birthday cake, but I would have been just as happy spending the afternoon with Ellen. I guess that's why I do everyday in the comfort of my living room. 

Wishing you the best of days. Thanks for being someone I can count on. See you tomorrow, Ellen.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let's move!

Today I realized something. I picked the right major to study in school. Funny how a video can reaffirm that feeling. Thanks, Michelle Obama.

Please watch if you have some time. It's only 12 minutes but I didn't hear one word that I didn't appreciate from the First Lady.

We have to change this world. Let's move!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lawyer by day, Referee by night.

Today I woke up in great anticipation for the sun that I've been hearing would appear! Of course I was awake at 6:30am so I had to give it an hour or so before I could see any sign that today would be a great day for a run. I ate breakfast and threw some clothes in the laundry. I have a strict pre-race ritual, clearly. 

At the beginning of my run, I took a deep breath of fresh air and headed toward downtown. There is something special about a Saturday morning run. The streets are quiet. Few people are around. It's just you and the wind. Even though I have my iPod while I run and want to shout songs out as I huff and puff, I think a lot. I mean, 12 miles gives you plenty of time to let your mind wander. Try it sometime. I decided this morning on something I wanted to do during each long run. I want to dedicate my run to someone who will inspire me to keep going. If I feel like stopping, I can think about this person and how much I admire him or her and give it a final push. So as cheesy as this may sound, I'm excited...and grateful.

Today's Dedication: My dad
I thought I'd kick things off dedicating my 12-miler to my good old  dad. I cannot believe how hardworking he is and I do not even know the half of it! He commutes to the city for work all day and I'm sure deals with plenty of stressful situations with clients. Not to mention the clients he has as family. We are so difficult to deal with sometimes ;-D Whether he is stressed or not, you would not be able to tell. He always seems to look positive and crack a joke here and there. Sounds like the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Even after work, he will go referee many nights. Talk about staying busy! I admire his ability to succeed in two great professions. Mostly the referee one... :-) Every time I talk to him on the phone to stay in touch, I enjoy it. Whether he is recapping how awful a 5th grade team was or how the Steelers need to win, I realize that no matter how stressful and problematic life can get, you can always take a break and talk about other topics. Other topics like sports, or Jeopardy, or weather, or how someone stole my hubcap over winter break and I am just now telling him....and all of you.'s okay! I still have four wheels and no stress about it. I assume he will be just as stress-free as I am. 
How does he do it all? He just does. I appreciate him as a father and I know he is appreciated as a husband, son, uncle, and friend. So why did I dedicate my first difficult run to my dad? I think I just explained it. I accomplished the run through hard work and I've heard he is pretty good at that hard work stuff...


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rain Check

I knew what I was getting into and I am preparing myself for the worst of it. This whole weather thing is a bit wonky in the state of Washington. It clearly impacts my training program. Even still, I'm making the best of it at this point. I am not worried about the 6-milers on the gym track every once in awhile. It's those long weekend runs that are going to be a test of my patience (and endurance...obviously). I think it's funny how much I check the weather forecast when it plays a role in how my day will turn out. Without a training schedule, I always assumed there would be rain, put on my boots and hood, and went on my merry way. Any ounce of sunshine was a treat! I suppose it's still the same but when running, I need to have a deeper passion for running in the rain. It will happen. I mean, it has to happen. On a sunnier note, it is looking like great weather for my 12-miler on Saturday! 47 degrees??? That's balmy! 

The wonderful thing about all the rain in the winter is how thankful you can be for a ray of sunshine. Sometimes it's all you need.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well my dears, it's been day 3 of training for the marathon and I'm feeling pretty good so far. This is probably because I missed the entire first month of the training program due to unsure feelings about committing my feet to the pavement. Even still, I'm ready to run 9 miles tomorrow. Okay, I'm actually not ready but I have given myself no other choice. Nine miles will be easy peasy in a few weeks! The good news is that I purchased some new running shoes that were very much necessary. The light weight and cushion will hopefully prevent any poor form. I should clarify that I mean poor form in the feet. I cannot speak for whether or not my arms will flail around or my tush will sway from side to side. To be determined. I thought I may regret signing up for this marathon but after three days, I've forgotten about this feeling I have. The feeling that involves me looking to the future and knowing that I can and will accomplish something exhausting and excellent. How could I regret? 
I ran four miles today and even had time to check in on my food bloggers. I noticed a little fun survey that looks similar to surveys I did when I was a weird child. (key word in that sentence: was)

I thought I'd give it a whirl. 
Four Things
Four TV Shows I Watch
  • Ellen
  • Modern Family
  • 30 Rock
  • Dexter
Four Things I’m Passionate About:
  • Music
  • Listening. 
  • The people in my life 
  • Health. Not just mine ;-)
Four Things I Learned In the Past:
  • Change is so good. I wouldn't be here without it and you would not be there without it. 
  • Health is not to be taken for granted. 
  • Ellen can turn your day around.
  • Anatomy is so darn tough to learn. 
Four Things I’m Looking Forward To:
  • Whistler this weekend!
  • Steelers game
  • The Aussie Open
  • Melissa and Brad's wedding :-D
Four Things I Love About Winter:
  • Scarves (I love them in all months, to be clear)
  • Fires
  • Lots of blankets
  • Snow that doesn't hinder traveling and only lasts through December. To be honest...
Time to get moving! Catch you later. 


PS-I don't know why my blog is doing this funky background but I am too tired to fiddle with it. Do understand.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What have I done?

Have I told you yet that I enjoy drastic decisions? 
I'm sure I have. Maybe even too much. 
Last night was my latest...
I was up at least an hour and a half past my bedtime so you should know something was up already. 
I don't usually stay up...willingly...if I have the option to sleep in my bed full of clean sheets. 
I've been doing some thinking for the past month...private thinking...because I know what I've said in the past doesn't match my current thought process. I knew you'd all bring that up as an argument. 
Even still, I stayed up late researching on the internet. Not the researching I've been doing for school
. The researching that makes my stomach do somersaults of fear and excitement. 
The research that makes me remember the past, but anticipate the future.
The research that makes me toss and turn debating on my next step. 
The research that will require a lot of my energy. 
The research that ended with me spending half of my pay check.
The research that also ended with me signing up for my second marathon. 
I said it...
I know what you are thinking. Oh geeze, isn't this the girl who said she was glad she did it but would never run one again. Or the girl that said "I'm not going to get addicted like everyone says..." 
Yeah, same girl. Those thoughts have Anne written all over it. 
Then I read a blog post that I'd written about how I learned to love running. It's all true. 
Sure, I'm going back on what I said but at the same time, who truly cares? 
Besides, why wouldn't I take advantage of the beauty this state has to offer. I never have time to drive around looking at the new sights. I'd rather run to them.
I have to start my training plan....well, probably five days ago but I'm starting today. 
The good news? I'm well on my way to attaining two of my New Years goals:
Run a race and drive less. 
Here's my warning: I'll be blogging through my entire experience but this time will be different. I have new ideas to improve on my entire outlook. I'm extremely excited.
And if anyone feels like going to Whidbey Island on April 10th, 2011, maybe I'll see you there...


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Toe-tally unfair.

This winter break I lost three of my favorite pairs of socks. 
I didn't snag them on something sharp. 
I didn't pull them up too high so that they would break.
I didn't willingly cut a hole in them. 
I simply wore them. 
I should know by now that every pair of my socks is at major risk of getting a hole since I have been so...blessed...with a long toe right next to my big toe.
Life isn't fair sometimes but we take what we have and deal with it!
I've learned to cope with this toe issue because there are worse things that could happen. 
It's just a shame such beautiful argyle socks had to be there when the toe got loose. 
Socks toe be me. 


Thursday, January 6, 2011

One of those days.

I'm having one of those days. 
You know the days when you wake up unable to breathe out of your nose. 
The days when you hit your head on the door before you exit the doorway.
 The days when you try yoga for the first time and you have to put your forehead on a mat that has been used for every exercise class in the past year or more. 
The days when you pay $250 for a new car battery. 
The days when you want to sit inside with a cup of tea while watching Dexter but you can't because you have to go to class and be reminded that the future is seconds away and you're too late. 
The days when your mind runs a mile a minute and you even think about how incredible it would be if you could run a mile in a minute. 
But then the day went on as days usually do...
I was able to blow my nose. 
My headache went away. 
I purchased my very own green yoga mat to rest my very own forehead. 
My car started and traveled. 
Class was not so bad and when I returned I saw something red in the mailbox...
...and finally, my mind is not in such a race right now. I think it's just walking a lap. 

Now it's time to catch up...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Two-thousand eleven

Holy smokes! I cannot believe it's January already. Where has this break gone? Where have I gone? Sorry it has been awhile. I was lost in the exhaustion and excitement of the holidays! Now it's time to think about getting back into the swing of things. Up next? Flying back to Washington tomorrow morning. School on Tuesday. The hectic life picks up again!
I thought I would compile a short list of goals for 2011. Not resolutions, just goals. 
-Drink more water
-Sleep more
-Eat more spinach
-See my sister get married
-Not pass out when I give my maid of honor speech
-Travel often
-Work harder
-Run a race
-Volunteer more
-Drive less
-Change the world

I'll catch up with you from the Pacific Northwest where it will be a sunny day with a temperature of 42 degrees. Sounds tropical! I'll miss home, but that's how I should feel, right? You have to miss something or else you'll never come back...
