Monday, January 10, 2011

What have I done?

Have I told you yet that I enjoy drastic decisions? 
I'm sure I have. Maybe even too much. 
Last night was my latest...
I was up at least an hour and a half past my bedtime so you should know something was up already. 
I don't usually stay up...willingly...if I have the option to sleep in my bed full of clean sheets. 
I've been doing some thinking for the past month...private thinking...because I know what I've said in the past doesn't match my current thought process. I knew you'd all bring that up as an argument. 
Even still, I stayed up late researching on the internet. Not the researching I've been doing for school
. The researching that makes my stomach do somersaults of fear and excitement. 
The research that makes me remember the past, but anticipate the future.
The research that makes me toss and turn debating on my next step. 
The research that will require a lot of my energy. 
The research that ended with me spending half of my pay check.
The research that also ended with me signing up for my second marathon. 
I said it...
I know what you are thinking. Oh geeze, isn't this the girl who said she was glad she did it but would never run one again. Or the girl that said "I'm not going to get addicted like everyone says..." 
Yeah, same girl. Those thoughts have Anne written all over it. 
Then I read a blog post that I'd written about how I learned to love running. It's all true. 
Sure, I'm going back on what I said but at the same time, who truly cares? 
Besides, why wouldn't I take advantage of the beauty this state has to offer. I never have time to drive around looking at the new sights. I'd rather run to them.
I have to start my training plan....well, probably five days ago but I'm starting today. 
The good news? I'm well on my way to attaining two of my New Years goals:
Run a race and drive less. 
Here's my warning: I'll be blogging through my entire experience but this time will be different. I have new ideas to improve on my entire outlook. I'm extremely excited.
And if anyone feels like going to Whidbey Island on April 10th, 2011, maybe I'll see you there...


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