Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Be kind to one another.

If I had the opportunity to spend the day with anyone today, I would have to say Ellen DeGeneres. In all honesty, I'm sure I'd say that at least 360 days of the year. Today in particular would be nice because it's Ellen's 53rd birthday and you would never guess she was a day over 30! Clearly I am not shy to admit my admiration for one of the funniest people. I realize I've shared my passion for Ellen in the past but I may as well bring it up again. 

It is certainly not a mistake why Ellen has so many avid fans and followers. Each episode it is apparent that the audience is having the most wonderful, fun-filled time. At least that's how I felt. I never wanted to leave. If there was a hiding spot in the studio that was not videotaped for security, I would be there. I mean, I'd still be there...month after month. So surely there is a reason why I, along with millions of others, tape her show and watch it daily. It rarely has to do with the guests that are on the show each day. It is simply Ellen and the way she lives her life. She always smiles. She always laughs. She always finds the beauty in nature. She always loves. She always dances. She always jokes. She always brings good tears to my eyes. She always has energy. She always has sparkle. She always is kind. She always helps. She is always Ellen. 

She always wants you to stay hydrated.

So maybe it would have been nice to get a phone, or a watch, or a trip to Vegas, or to be in the same room as Julia Roberts, or to eat a piece of her birthday cake, but I would have been just as happy spending the afternoon with Ellen. I guess that's why I do everyday in the comfort of my living room. 

Wishing you the best of days. Thanks for being someone I can count on. See you tomorrow, Ellen.


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