Thursday, January 6, 2011

One of those days.

I'm having one of those days. 
You know the days when you wake up unable to breathe out of your nose. 
The days when you hit your head on the door before you exit the doorway.
 The days when you try yoga for the first time and you have to put your forehead on a mat that has been used for every exercise class in the past year or more. 
The days when you pay $250 for a new car battery. 
The days when you want to sit inside with a cup of tea while watching Dexter but you can't because you have to go to class and be reminded that the future is seconds away and you're too late. 
The days when your mind runs a mile a minute and you even think about how incredible it would be if you could run a mile in a minute. 
But then the day went on as days usually do...
I was able to blow my nose. 
My headache went away. 
I purchased my very own green yoga mat to rest my very own forehead. 
My car started and traveled. 
Class was not so bad and when I returned I saw something red in the mailbox...
...and finally, my mind is not in such a race right now. I think it's just walking a lap. 

Now it's time to catch up...

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