Sunday, August 8, 2010

Picture perfect

I've decided to change things up a bit. I was chatting with my sister, Melissa, the other day and I told her that I was thinking of making my blog into more of a food blog. It will follow my daily eatings with some good stories sprinkled in for good measure. If you aren't familiar with food blogs, there are usually one to two (or more) posts per day. That is where the trial part of this experiment is taking place. I'm going to do it! I know I can. Blogging is a hobby for me and I truly enjoy it. After talking with Meliss, I told her that I really needed a camera that could capture everything in my life from food to friends to family and more. Pictures are important to me, especially quality pictures. I know some hobbies like skiing require expensive gear and unfortunately, this hobby is no different. Cameras are ungodly expensive. It hurts my heart thinking about it but Meliss reassured me that "it would be worth it in the long run". You're right, sista! If you know me at all, I love a good drastic decision. Look how moving to Bellingham turned out, after all! So I decided to put a major dent in my savings on Friday. I think the word bittersweet was invented for situations like this. Boy did it make me cringe when I paid for that puppy, but it will pay for itself over a lifetime. This, I am sure of. But, if I am out on the streets with no food or place to go, I am going to assume that Melissa will take care of me because she is essentially to blame thank.
Now, to the food part. I'm a bit of a health nut. hat doesn't mean I don't love the good, fatty stuff! I do. So this will be a blend of the best of both worlds. I'm also a vegetarian so if you are looking for some good chicken or steak dishes, you can just stop right now! There are great veggie recipes though. Believe me :-D I'll try to get some good recipes in here but I have to warn you and remind you that I am in college after all. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches may make many appearances as will other foods. I try to mix it up but bear with me. I'm a Plain Jane who is working on my variety and flavor. Cheers! 

Breakfast was PB&J (told you there would be a ton!) I hadn't made it Trader Joe's at this point. Sometimes a PB&J is the best kind of breakfast. Filling and comforting!

After a morning workout, I was able to get some groceries. I enjoyed half of this juice and boy was it refreshing! I am saving the other half for tomorrow. I love that there is spinach and garlic in a juice that doesn't taste a thing like either of them! I only had half because this baby is loaded with sugar!  

Lunch was a delicious mix today. I had a pretty simple salad but sometimes those are the best! Romaine lettuce, red pepper, and rosemary balsamic vinegar and olive oil. De-lish! I also enjoyed a string cheese and yogurt. 
I swear by this yogurt. I've yet to have better. It doesn't have a strong Greek yogurt taste but just enough tang. I sprinkle a good handful of slivered almonds on top and enjoy every last bite. I could eat five, it's that good!
Of course I had to satisfy my sweet tooth. Chocolate with caramel inside. The two join together to send my taste buds on a ride of happiness! 
Around three o'clock I heard my stomach start growlin'. A Chocolate Raspberry bar by Luna is the perfect thing to munch on. This doesn't taste too much like cardboard or fake. It's delicious is what it is! 

Dinner was quick and so simple! Brown rice and sautéed veggies. Holy yum! The veggies are the perfect tenderness. There's nothing worse than mushy carrots. Unless you're into that sort of thing...
 And of course, a handful of Ginger Cats!

See you tomorrow!



Tess said...

I love it! Your new camera takes great pictures and I love getting a sneak peak into what people are eating! Keep it up, I'm sure it will be fun!


Anne said...

Thanks Tess! I'm excited! Talk to you soon :)