Tuesday, August 10, 2010

E is for....Ello there mate.

This evening is just pathetic, I tell you. Warm peanut butter and jelly sandwich on English muffin that lies on a bed of paper towel. I went an entire year and a half without a microwave at my apartment so now I am taking advantage of the microwave that occupies our kitchen. I heated up the sandwich for twenty-two seconds. That's the key. Twenty-three and you will lose your taste buds! Kidding...but don't say I didn't warn you!
One is the loneliest number....How lonely does that sandwich look? I also snacked on some carrots but those went undocumented since I ate them before they could get in the picture. Poor guys. I'm going to have even more time to cook after tomorrow so if you have any recipes let me know! I'd love to give 'em a whirl. Feel free to take this crafty PB&J recipe. I practically invented it so.............

Anyway, that about covers it for tonight. I'll see you tomorrow. Night!


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