Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heavenly Brownies

I love to bake for people. I get this from my mother because she was always showing up at tennis matches, friends houses, or sending baked goodies at the perfect time. She still bakes but I'm not around as much to see her baking moments. Although she does tell me when she makes a batch of cookies or brownies over the phone which makes me miss that smell at home. Now I'm making brownies for friends (and of course I will steal a few  many bites)
So today I attempted the brownies that have bombed for the third time. This time, I used our home oven and my cousin Lisa's recipe she sent me. She took a class and was given some recipes. (I'm not sure if I am allowed to give the recipe on here. I forgot to ask Lisa about that because it's a pretty secretive thing, you know.) Lucky for me, the brownies turned out! They are still piping hot but I tried a bite and sure enough, they are just the best ever! Thanks Lisa! 
The contenders.

Chocolate-y swirl. 
Can I just have brownies for dinner? 

Paul Child: What is it you REALLY like to do?
Julia Child: Eat!


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