Sunday, November 20, 2011


Have you ever gone to bed at 11 p.m. and found yourself awake until 3 a.m.?  I honestly don't encounter such crazy difficulties in sleeping but I did last night.  Sometimes I get nervous.  Extremely nervous.  I have been all weekend in anticipation for Monday.  I'm not sure how these nerves get the best of me, but they certainly have more power.  As I was sitting in my room for four sleepless hours, I decided to be productive.  I did some research, listened to music, and tried to fall asleep 12 times.  I focused on editing my marathon training program that is starting in one week!  Technically it should have started 3 weeks ago but that's neither here nor there.  Take a look!

images via Pinterest


Be thankful challenge: I am thankful for warm blankets! 

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