Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back to San Francisco I go

Hi guys, 

Sorry, I have been away but HEY I'm here.  Not much to report other than I am happy to have a flight booked to San Francisco the day before the marathon in Napa Valley.  I feel like I just decided I was going to run this marathon but here I am a month and some weeks away from running it!  Heavens to Betsy!  I'm truly excited to fly to San Francisco.  First, you know just how much I love airports!  Especially going to new airports!  In a pretty city such as San Francisco!  Gosh, I'm excited. Clearly. Second, I'll be able to see a friend in San Francisco and family before heading to Napa to prepare for the race.  I'm really gearing up for the post race wine drinking but even still, I'll prepare to the very best of my ability.  On that note, I better shower after my 6 miler.  By the way, I've missed you guys.

images via Pinterest


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