Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What one may do...

...when they are nearly done with finals and nearly home.

1. One may think of any reason to stop looking at epidemiology notes (just for a few minutes, at least).
2. One may think that the wind and hail storm is God's way of saying, "today probably won't be your favorite."
3. One may think that listening to songs about home will "help the studying process."
4. One may eat cereal and copious amounts of almond butter and jelly sandwiches until one can open the refrigerator door at home and see fruits and vegetables in abundance.
5. One may not get more then four hours of sleep each night and one may also receive an eye twitch for a week due to this.
6. One may walk into a teacher's office to discuss a paper and start bawling after saying two words.
7. One may leave said office feeling a little better, but looking like a blotchy, red-eyed monster. Tired monster.
8. One may need to take deep breaths in order to realize that things need to be done and one must do them!
9. One may realize how delirious one is and thinks there is no cure.
10. One may realize the only way to cure being homesick---going home.

These are my thoughts....hypothetically speaking, of course.

See ya from Illinois.


1 comment:

Tess said...

Ick! I do not miss finals! They will be over soon and you will be flying home to celebrate Christmas with your family. Good luck with them - you're gonna do great!