Saturday, December 4, 2010


Despite the presentations
Despite the research, 
Despite the lack of sleep, 
Despite the lack of free time, 
Despite the studying, 
Despite the memorizing, 
Despite the messy room, 
Despite the messy life, 
Despite the fact that it gets dark at 4:30,
and despite the anticipation...
I am one very happy girl. 
Why? I'll be home soon...and by soon, I mean 5 days. 
You can count that on one hand. 
That's pure excitement right there...
...high five.


P.S. I don't know where this obsession with adding my name into words that have "an" in them came from but I cannot stop.'s like I have a quota to live up to and when the name fits, I cannot help myself. I would not worry, but you actually might want to worry a little. I'm sure I'll have to see a doctor or physicianne at some point. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's much easier to add "Anne" into something than "Melissa".