Monday, December 20, 2010

Forecast: Blue skies with a Wedding Shower

I can't believe how Christmas is creeping up and will be here in no time. I think this happens every year, but I still continue to say it and believe it! 
Another big day that is creeping up? My beautiful sister's wedding day. We are nearly 3 months away and I thought we were 8 months away still! This means that wedding showers are starting and it's time for Meliss to feel overwhelmed and nervous---but you'd never tell behind that smile! 
Lauren and her mom hosted the most wonderful shower for Melissa yesterday. Wonderful might be an understatement. All of those near and dear to Meliss were there to celebrate. There was food, an incredible amount of gifts, a brilliant quiz about Meliss and Brad and their crazy last names, and so much love. 

 Meliss, Monet, and I. 
 Vurdelja ladies. 
 Visiting time!
 Lauren put out pictures of Meliss through the ages. I made sure to give her this one, just to capture the better looking years. 
A couple of angels. 
 This is one good-looking family!
Their wedding will be here in no time and last a lifetime.
So if Christmas is only five days away, March will be trailing close behind...


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