Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mid August? Already?

I have a lot of time to talk to myself as I complete my runs for training program. I automatically allow myself to think positively and negatively about each run. For example: Three weeks ago I ran seventeen miles. During that run I thought, hey, what's one more mile tacked on for next week? As I ran my eighteen miles I found it to be a brutal extra mile that was added on. Thanks Hal Higdon for that one. ( Anyway, today I ran a "short" thirteen miler. Throughout my run I grew angry with myself for the fact that I now consider thirteen miles to be "short" and that next week's nineteen miles looms in the distance. As happy as I was to finish my run today, the negative attitude went off in my head. The run itself was fine, but I have to double that run at some point? Brutally brutal.

Thinking of making this recipe some day soon. Sounds right up my antioxidant alley.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yum! I just made this one, though you might like as well. Very healthy and nutritious! Don't leave out the cilantro though, it makes it.