Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here's a Shoe-per story

I was perusing the Bellingham Herald online today and one story caught my eye above the others. A shoe store downtown was having some problems with money and the owner spent every bit of her money just for the inventory this fall. She received a phone call that she'd be receiving "five thousand dollars, no strings attached". (More like, no shoe-strings attached!) Upon hearing this, she hung up thinking it was a prank call. Well, who would believe that? Even though I took a quiz last night on how well I know Ellen DeGeneres, scored perfectly, and "won" a free laptop, I would probably still hang up on someone who told me they were generously and anonymously handing over five thousand smackeroos. The non-profit organization is called Giving Anonymously and apparently it's not the first time they were rejected on the phone. Fortunately, the person who called the owner of the shoe store continued to call and verified he was a real organization with real money and real intentions of helping her out! Wow. I mean, it's not everyday you hear about such humble actions to remedy a situation dealing with this unfavorable recession. Bravo, bravo! The couple that came up with the organization mentioned the satisfaction they feel when seeing the grateful people they have assisted. Who can blame them? It must be magical. I bet the owner of the shoe store kicked off her heels and danced---after all, she has quite the shoe inventory now! The organizers also mentioned that the recipients reaction is always memorable "since they don't know where the donation came from, many times they are nice to everybody." Donation or not, that attitude will get a person far in life! After all the depressing and consistent news about the recession, it's refreshing to hear about someone who has benefitted through anonymously admirable people. The owner didn't even have to turn in a clunker to receive that cash!



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