Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'll (not) be home for Christmas

At a certain point, life is going to change and being in the same home you spent so many Christmas mornings sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for the coffee to be made before scrambling down the stairs will not work out as well anymore. Since Christmas is less than a fortnight away, I'm starting to become especially sad and nostalgic. I must preface by telling you that my family is coming out to visit for Christmas and I cannot be more grateful. So you can bet I'll spend Christmas eve dreaming of a drizzly Christmas. Even still, there are so many aspects about being home for Christmas that make my heart swell.

Despite all of my complaints, I will miss freezing in my room because for some reason it is 25 degrees colder than the house.  I will miss the fireplace and my dad's unmatched fires (no pun intended).  I will miss sitting in the overflow room at church on Christmas eve.  I will miss the hors d'oeuvres and Christmas music in the family room.  I will miss waking everyone up on Christmas morning.  I will miss sleeping in a bed of flannel sheets.  I will miss picking out the Christmas tree with my dad in less than five minutes.  I will miss pretending to read the newspaper at the kitchen table, but not really because I don't know what's going on in the county and I'd rather talk to my mom anyway.  I will miss making dough balls in the kitchen until I cannot stand to see one more chocolate chip. I will miss catching up with my friends.  I will miss a delicious Christmas dinner in Genoa.  I will miss a whole lot but I should probably stop there before my post takes 3 hours to create.
image via Pinterest
We may be scattered on Christmas, but at least I'll have my starting line-up in Seattle.  Game over.


1 comment:

Alexe said...

I was listening to "Bound by Love" while reading that. Perfect! And yes, I ?do still listen to that song...