Saturday, October 24, 2009


It's difficult to let a perfect morning go to waste. This morning was one of those crisp, cool fall mornings that welcomed all those who wanted to venture out into the fresh air to forget about anything but the glory of the invigorating morning. That is exactly how I spent the morning. I forgot about the stress of upcoming exams while running and thought about how great this particular morning was with its beautiful colored trees and cool breeze dropping in from the bay. I also thought about how I could assemble a blog post on this splendid Saturday.

As obvious as it sounds, exercise helps you feel better. I mean, has anyone ever been angry or stressed right after they excercise? I highly doubt that. Angry before working out? Of course. You know that saying, the hardest step of working out is the first step out the door. Now I'm sure people can attest to that feeling! I certainly can. Whether it's walking, running, riding a bike or anything else, I'm willing to bet most people don't feel so stressed while participating. I don't mean that you may not think about a problem, or a test, or bad news, but you have a different outlook if you are exercising. Exercising can get that frustration out but there is a point when you are at peace thinking about one thing or another. It gives perspective to the things you haven't found perspective on, as well as making you think with a clear mind instead of being cooped up in your home to dwell.

In my nutrition class, my teacher brought up the process of pushing yourself through landmarks. For example, if you are running and want to go just a little further, tell yourself to make it to a specific tree. Once you get to that tree, can't you make it to the next one? Of course you can! I believe in you! In fact, I am guilty of pushing my self from tree to tree. It's rewarding. I highly encourage it! Next thing you know you will have been going for miles, the trees have become your friends, and you just ran 14 miles*! (*Results may vary) I'm kidding of course, but if you want to walk around a block or two, go for it! You may end up walking around 3 blocks because of a willow tree or a birch in the distance. Just don't use trees from the start of your journey or you will be counting a whole lot of trees! That is not OAKay.

Think about it and enjoy.


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