Monday, October 31, 2011

So I will head out alone, hope for the best

The reasons a person may move are endless. Whether it's a job, a school, a new start, or maybe just a leap of faith, moving happens all the time.  I'm a fan of it.  

As many know, I went to the University of Iowa my freshman year.  I have never once given a very specific and detailed reason as to why I left.  I have told everyone "it was not for me" and that's that.  I would have stayed if I liked it.  I promise.  So as much as I heard, "it's only your first year, maybe the second year will be better", I had a sneaky feeling it would not.  Sure, how would I ever know if it was better or if "it was for me?"  I wouldn't know then...but I would eventually know.

Before that interesting year in Iowa, I visited Washington.  I have several family members and was able to see each one of them.  My uncle who works at Western Washington University took us on a brief walk through campus.  It was pretty.  That was all that crossed my mind.  The trip was over before I knew it and I was back in Illinois getting ready for Iowa.

So back to the end of that year...I started looking at Western because I thought I needed to leave the Midwest.  I don't know why, I just thought that would be best for me at the time.  Thankfully, I took a year to complete a few classes at the community college and spend time with my parents, brother, and cousin before getting outta sight and outta mind.  Okay, not outta mind...I just said that.  I applied to Western to complete my college career.  It did not cross my mind to apply anywhere else just in case (although it crossed my mother's mind, I did not realize she was holding her breath every day until my acceptance letter arrived).  I knew I was moving regardless. :-)

I think everyone should move at least once.  Okay, the actual moving part could be less stressful...but once you arrive?  Happiness ensues!  I promise.  Well I cannot promise that, but I can hope for everyone to just be happy dammit.  Moving opens your eyes to new obstacles and new experiences.  Once you are in a new location, that will happen no matter what you do to try to prevent/promote those things.  Another perk of moving to a new place?  New people!  If you are a reader, you know I could write novels on the people and friends I've met during my time in Washington.  I cannot imagine my life without any of them.  The ups and downs have made me become a better person (at least in my own head, but I try daily).  They are blessings.  I gravitate toward these people.

Am I saying it's easy to leave your family and friends?  No way.  I could never say that because I could never tell you it's easy living so far away.  I constantly look at houses and think "I could really see my parents living in that house."  But they have built their lives elsewhere and they are letting me build my life elsewhere.  How can I even begin to thank them?  Leaving loved ones provides heart ache with which we can all relate.  It tugs at your body from every direction. It allows tears to easily roll down your cheek when you are simply walking down the street or looking at the sky.  And when the time is just right, it briefly goes away when you go home to visit.

There are so many opportunities and so much to discover.  I just wanted to tell the world that moving can change your life.  You just have to take that job or change schools or make a new start or take a leap of faith.   And if you need any one to hold your hand, I'll have it stretched out for you.

My move was not something that I had dreamed about for many years.  It was not something I thought I would do at the age of 20.  It was not something that I had researched for months before taking the next step.  Something in my head and in my heart told me I would be okay.


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