Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What I've learned from the blog world

I started this blog thing when I moved to Bellingham.  I needed an outlet for my new adventures and life away from family and friends.  Since mail seemed to be increasing in price and carrier pigeons were booked until 2012 (everyone sending letters before the world ends, of course), the blog seemed like my last resort.  Basically, I thought I'd need to fill my family in on what was going on with me and I also wanted to fill them in on the fact that when I write, it's actually like I'm talking.  I don't really try to sound eloquent and fantastic, but I'm sorry when it always comes out that way.  My apologies. See. Sarcastic as usual.  Let's see if I can make it three sentences.  Anyway, I started this blog to capture the beauty of this place.  At the time, I was reading perhaps 2 or 3 blogs.  I'm not really reading those anymore.  Yes, I've moved on.  Sometimes I get bored and I cannot figure out for the life of me how anyone reads this still.  I have realized this...I keep track of blogs and the lives of people around the country.  I want to befriend so many of them.  The reason is because I have learned many things from these strangers.  While the internet can be creepy and I know that my life is put out in the open for anyone to see, I do not mind because I admire dozens and dozens of people that I've been able to follow along in their life journeys.  Without all of them, I would not have motivation to blog.  Someday, I will see them in an airport, in a marathon, in a restaurant, or in a bookstore for a cookbook signing of theirs, and I will share how much I appreciate their blogs and then ask for advice.  Blogs can always use advice.  Teach me, teach me how to bloggie. (Okay now you can really stop reading my blog)

You should know, if you don't already, I adore food blogs.  I love a good blog that takes pictures of food and shares recipes.  Most of them are healthy food blogs but that doesn't mean that everything is healthy!  It's not all fun and games.  Sure, I follow the vegetarian-y, family lover-y, vegan-y, marathon runner-y kind of people, but they are actually cool.  I'll stick up for my blog friends that I don't know!  I've been in awe from the incredible photography skills.  I'm not sure if I should thank these bloggers for making me want to take food photographs and purchase a camera that cost me an entire arm.  At least I'm on my way to being a human tripod for the camera.  But do you know what, I will never regret that purchase.  Pictures should be memorable and taken often.  Even if they are taken of yogurt, the viaduct, or running belts.

I've learned about the struggles and successes people face and have been able to relate on several occasions.  I've added new locations for my "places to visit" list.  I've laughed out loud nearly every day.  I've also heard my stomach grumble reading recipes and looking at dessert photos.  I've appreciated the honesty of bloggers even when it is embarrassing or extremely personal.  I've discovered new organizations and conferences and races.  I've read new books and seen recommended movies.  I've felt connected as well as distant.

And at the end of the day, I can count on these bloggers.  While I follow many a blog, I am including a list of some of my favorites because I just cannot post every one.  It's a blog eat, blog world out there after all...



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