Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sayonara Sweets

I am addicted to sweets.  Quite literally.  Through my education, I have learned about teaching people who are addicted to tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy foods, and so much more.  I can create lessons plans to discuss the dangers of smoking.  I can develop a social marketing campaign on how high school students perceive the amount of students who drink as higher than it really is.  I can read every nutrition book and explain to a certain demographic why unhealthy foods should be substituted with healthy options, without completely changing their culture.  Yet, I cannot stop eating sweets no matter how much I am aware of the repercussions associated with the sugary bites of goodness.

Unfortunately, this sweet tooth that was so kindly given to me the moment I was born has never disappeared. I don't even think it's fair to blame one tooth.  They have all been reckless.  This has led me to come to an executive decision.  My sweet teeth are on hiatus indefinitely.  I am sharing this with my blog followers because I must be held to my decision.  No sweets.  Cold turkey.  Well, I'm definitely not substituting for cold turkey, in case you were confused.  But maybe you want to quit eating cold turkey, cold turkey.  You know?  Anyway, it's going to be very difficult, especially with Yogurtland haunting me every single day.  I don't have a deadline but I'm hoping to continue for as long as physically possible.  I also have yet to find a dentist out here so this is probably for the best.


1 comment:

Melissa said...

I think your deadline should be 8/18. I will be very sad if we can't eat celebratory cake and froyo together.