Monday, March 14, 2011

Taking steps in the wrong direction

It's amazing what can happen in a week. I do not really know what's going on. But, I do know that I ran 18 miles last weekend and felt good about it. I do know that I attempted 5 miles on Wednesday and had to stop after 3 because I could not physically walk on my foot. I do know that I have never had injury problems before this past month. I do know that I was supposed to run 14 miles this weekend. I do know that everyone I talked to told me to be smart about it. I do know that I started running and felt good until 7 miles. I do know that I stopped (because I was being smart, of course). But, I do not know why my body is ganging up on me. 

So here we are. Over a week after a great 18-miler and it hurts to put pressure on my foot. 

My verdict? 

Bruised ligaments. I do not think it's plantar fasciitis because my heel is just dandy. I know what you are going to say. "Anne, you are just going to injure yourself even more and it could become more permanent." You know what I'll say? "I have another foot."

But really, it's hard for me not to be stubborn about this. I am stopping when I feel pain because I usually can't keep putting pressure on it. That's not what I'm worried about. I have already thrown my under 4 hours goal out the window. Now I'm just determined to finish the race. "It's a hill. Get over it."

I'm not running for the rest of the week which will set me back plenty, but hopefully I'll be ready to crush 20 miles in a week. 

The jury is still out on this one...

Today's (Yesterday's) Dedication: My cousin John
I started running at the Rec center on the indoor track. It's not ideal for (a potential) 14 miles but I amused myself in my mind lap after lap after lap. The track is upstairs and circles above three basketball courts. I always see people playing and it was completely empty as I ran on Sunday morning. Why aren't people playing basketball on Sunday mornings in college? Baffled. For some reason I wished that my cousin John was playing basketball as I ran. I imagined him passing the time by playing a game of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious while I ran. This thought really calmed me. I wished that if he was there, I could complete the 14 miles and then play a game of horse with him like we were back home. John always has a "go-with-the flow" approach that I appreciate. Sometimes I need to adopt that attitude. I'm a very "stick-to-a-detailed-plan" type of person but sometimes you hurt yourself. Sometimes you have a bad day. Sometimes you need to take a breath and think about the people who care about you and the people you care about. That's more important than completing 14 miles. Even though John wasn't there, I glanced down at the empty gym floor with every lap and hoped he'd appear and give me the John grin that I miss so dearly. 


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