Saturday, February 5, 2011

Eat, sleep, dream, run.

Waking up was a bit of a struggle this morning. My eyes were heavy. My head was still asleep. Most importantly, I was a little concerned about the dream I just had. As I set out to run 10 miles this morning, I began thinking about this dream. It may have something to do with my Steelers post. Long dream short, I was watching the Packers warm up right before the Super Bowl and the football ended up in the stands at the same time one of their offensive players was injured. I assume the reason I caught the football in the stands was because it was my dream, but I'm still wishing I had not. I tossed the ball back to the ref and then the coach came up to me and asked me to take the injured player's position for the game. I was completely shocked and repeated, "I am a tiny little woman" many times, but no luck. I woke up before I saw the outcome of my performance. I'm sure I would not have lasted very long in the situation. Clearly I was affected by this blog post. Well played, Green Bay. Well played. 

After I had enough thinking about being snapped in half, I continued running. It was a breezy morning with clouds. Cannot complain about that! I was happy to cut back a few miles based on the program. In fact, I found it sort of comforting. While it doesn't seem like 10 miles is giving your body a rest, I found it to be a nice change from the increase in miles. I'll worry about 15 miles next week. Today, I was content with 10 peaceful miles. 

Today's Dedication: My roommates
When I thought about my run as being comforting, I paralleled it to my roommates. There is nothing I enjoy more than coming home from an exhausting day and finding comfort in seeing any of my roommates when I walk in the door. We can talk about the day or talk about the TV line up or talk about life in general, but we do something far more than talking: we laugh. Not a single day goes by where we are not laughing hysterically about something or other. I find comfort in their smiles and stories, but it's the laughter that keeps me sane. They are people I can be myself with and to me, those people are hard to find. I only wish I found them when I moved here. We all have different backgrounds and contribute such uniqueness to our home that makes for a very entertaining and wonderful living dynamic. It was a relief running 10 miles today and it is a relief spending time with the kind ladies I share a home with everyday.



Unknown said...

ANNE!!! I think I just teared up :) ditto
xoxo bri
P.S. why is it that I haven't seen this blog business before now?!

Unknown said...

Im a follower now!!! yeeeheee

Anne said...

I'm not big on advertising...