I'm in the midst of a project for school about sleep and how necessary and wonderful it is for you and your well being. Well, we all know that but the topic itself sparked new ideas in my head to create a blog post. Are you a morning person? Are you a person that wakes up and could create a tornado of anger everywhere around you until you succumb to the promise of a new day that has already begun? "I'll take Are You a Morning Person for 1,000, Alex". "Who is Anne Vurdelja". I am choice A. The one that people don't understand. How are you awake so early? Why are you up? Do you have somewhere to be at this time? To answer all of those valid (and completely annoying questions): I'm up early because God gave me this fantastic alarm clock in my head to wake me up in the morning when it's still dark out and there isn't a soul around. I guess that answers question two as well. No, I do not have somewhere to be between five and six in the morning but I'll throw a question back to you. Why must I have plans if I am waking up early? There. I said it.
I used to feel like I was too young to be waking up early in the morning. Everyone else my age could sleep until noon. By noon, I can count a dozen things I have already accomplished. I'm not saying each day I get a million things done. In an ideal world, I would but I'm content just being awake early. When I hear the gasps or see the bulging eyes about my early rising, I will never understand. It's not as if I am waking everyone else up that early! Personal choices. Calm down, folks. You should also know, that I don't go to bed at one in the morning. In that case, I would NOT be able to function. The morning is my absolute favorite time of the day. No questions (please no more questions) asked. As ridiculous as it sounds, when I wake up, I wake up. Nearly jump out of bed at the thought of a new day. I'm not joking although I can understand if you think that sounds like a bunch of nonsense. I would probably think that too. If there is a more perfect quote then I have yet to find it but Dr. Seuss puts it so eloquently and couldn't relate more---"I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells". Thanks, Doc. Brilliant!
Sleep well.

Someone actually put this on the internet! Just in case you like schedules!
I love this post. Margaret "Maggie" Spencer is my best friend and she told me about your wonderful blog. You are a very good writer, Anne. I'll keep checking back. Being a "blogger" myself I realize how nice it is to get feedback.
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