Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'll be home for Christmas, you can count on me.

"Tiger this. Tiger that." "More on Tiger." "What you didn't hear about Tiger." "The truth about Tiger." "Wait, we retract that and this is what happened to Tiger." Tiger Woods is the focus of every topic, joke and article out there right now. Yes, the phenomenal golfer has "transgressed" in the eyes (even in the eye of the Tiger....) of everyone but can we stop talking about it already? Oh I know, but what would Jay Leno say in his monologue then? What would the entertainment shows provide for their followers? I suppose the questions are endless and people want to hear about their favorite golfer but aren't there more important things to report on? The unfortunate "transgression" of our country? The buzzer beater shot made by Kobe Bryant the other night? The soldiers who can't make it home for the holidays? There are so many other things more worthy. Of course I realize people thrive on hearing these stories. Well, maybe for a day. Yes, it was a terrible thing he did...or didn't do...or whatever the truth may be. Regardless, he has won more majors than you have.

With that said, this will be my final blog post before I head home on Saturday! Antsy? You bet. Tired? You bet. Ready to head home? You bet. The only thing in my way are three finals this week. Very crazy! It has been sunny in Bellingham but a bit chilly. I am completely content with that. I'm not sure I'll be able to deal with the bitter winter in Illinois. Alright, maybe I won't head home. Just kidding...brutal weather will not affect me! Besides, it's not the weather I'm coming home for. So there you have it folks. I'll be seeing some of you soon and others I will keep posted through the blog. "As always, I send you best dishes from my kitchen to yours" I am not sure why but I thought a quote from Paula Deen was necessary...what has become of me?


1 comment:

Tess said...

You write so well :) I'm glad you put this on your twitter, I will now blog-stalk you!