Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Give me a break....or five.

Let's just say I put the "pro" in procrastination. I'm not sure how to go about getting any sort of studying done during the summer. It's hot (too hot) and I'm uncomfortable and all I want to do is just sit around and not have to worry about studying for a test. Alright, that sounds lazy. Even lazy for me...but still, summer school is such a bittersweet aspect of my life (a little more bitter than sweet). Anyway, all I want to do is travel. My main goal is Portland, Oregon this summer. Let's hope it happens! After all, it's only a four hour drive or so. I think I can arrange something like that. Can the next goal be Greece? That's really all I think about these days. What I would do if I was in Greece. Sigh. Until then, I'll stick to eating lots of feta and hummus on a day to day basis.

Well the countdown continues! Whenever I don't feel like working on school nonsense I start cleaning or packing little by little. Three and a half weeks until I'm moving! I cannot wait! That means roughly three weeks until my dad comes to help haul my stuff a few minutes away....and also enjoy a few days off? I'm not sure what he'd prefer but since I know he has a great background in moving his children from one apartment to another, I know I'm going with the right guy for the job!

Well, I suppose I should get crackin' on my studying. Thanks for listening.


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