Saturday, November 21, 2009

“Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking.”

It has been six whole months since I have moved to the beautiful West Coast. Six months. It doesn't seem like I have been experiencing, traveling, enjoying, discovering, and adapting to this lifestyle for half of a year already. It has been an incredibly rewarding change in my life and I can't see myself anywhere else for the time being. It's no wonder why three of my relatives have lived in this state for so very long!

The other day I began to think about living here. I thought about living on my own. I love that part but I couldn't help but realize the amount of talking I do, or the lack of talking. I mean, don't get me wrong, I always talk to people at school, and on the phone (multiple times per day....Mom...) but when I am at home? Who can I talk to? It is quite interesting, to be honest. I would love to do a study on how the amount of fewer words per day a person talks when they don't share a home with family or friends. Don't you think it would be a drastic difference? I'm not completely sure why I began thinking about this but it sort of came to me. Warning: This could mean that when I am in the presence of family and friends again I may which case, you may tell me to calm down. I will not be offended.

Naturally, I googled the topic. What was one of the first results, you ask? "Get a Roommate! Living Alone May Be Bad For Your Heart"

Hmm....Not exactly the response I was looking for. If anything is going to cause problems for my heart, it will be the stress of Anatomy and Organic Chemistry---NOT living alone in a peaceful place.

I suppose tax dollars would be better spent funding research on cancer and other unknowns so I will leave this topic up for debate. It's not worth spending much time thinking about. I mean, I'm not even talking about it. I'm just typing. Another case of lack of speaking. Technology...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you find that you talk to yourself more now? :)