Saturday, April 10, 2010

Weather you like it or not.

Why does the subject of the weather seem to be a "go-to" topic when having a conversation? Is it because there is nothing else to talk about? Is it because it changes so you always have something to fall back on? Is it because our moods rely on the weather? I like to think it's all of the above. Certainly, talking about the weather is the safest bet when nothing else can come to mind when you are having a conversation. It's so natural to everyone that people don't think twice about it. Well, unless you are me and you think about it enough to dedicate a post to the subject. It's not really a bad thing to talk about the weather when there is nothing else to talk about. It is what it is. It's too late to think about it any further. The weather changing is helpful to new and exciting conversations such as "The wind definitely picked up yesterday!" or "Guess was raining this morning but at 3:00 the sun came out!" Talk about keeping your audience in suspense! Thrilling. I especially enjoy looking out the window in the morning and letting the sky decide the fate of my mood. I love the mornings when it tells me I'm in for an ominous kind of day. One thing is for sure, I have yet to be upset by seeing the sun. I fully admit, I am in a better mood and love to talk about the weather when it's so nice out. Who isn't? It's as if we've never seen good weather before and want to gab about it nonstop. Who cares? People just want to shout from the rooftops on those warm days with a slight breeze that make things interesting. Can you guess why I'm writing this? It's fifty-seven degrees here and sunny. What's the weather there? I've already talked about the weather half of a dozen times to people today. Must be something in the air. Ha. Ha. Enjoy your Saturday!


PS: Downside to nice weather----procrastination.

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