Monday, June 27, 2011

Goal check

I made a list of goals at the beginning of January and I thought I'd check in now that it's nearly July to see how those have been going.

Drink more water
Yep, no problems there!  I drink water when I'm thirsty.  Or bored.  Or nervous.  Or sitting at a desk.  So that pretty much covers it.

Sleep more
I have no choice.  Exhaustion kicks in easily after a full work day!  Without school, sleeping more is a real treat option.

Eat more spinach
Trying...I could eat more.  Always.

See my sister get married
Perhaps the best goal accomplished!  Well, at least my favorite.  It was one of those goals you know you will achieve but have to write down anyway since it's such a major moment.

Not pass out when I give my maid of honor speech
It was rather questionable for awhile.  I could barely eat dinner but John coached me through up until the actual thing.  One small victory for Annekind.

Travel often
If Bellingham to Seattle and vice versa work, then yes, I travel often.
Although this year I have traveled to Illinois, Vancouver, and Portland.  Stay tuned for a trip down the west coast in just a few months!

Work harder
Trying each and every day.
Ask me again in 54 days!
Run a race
Um...does a 5k count?  Does a marathon count?  Then check and check!
Volunteer more
Considering my internship is unpaid, I would have to say I'm volunteering more.  43 hours per week is a little more than it has been...

Drive less
How convenient!  Taking the bus to work each day.
Change the world
-To be continued...

Happy Monday.  Hope you can cross off some goals on your list.


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