Wednesday, June 29, 2011

If a resumé was up to me

For months I've heard about how to write a resumé and each resumé will be different, need tailoring to specific jobs, and should be a certain length.  While all of this is understandable, I wish I could just hand the interviewer a page with a list of basic skills or experiences that would come in handy.  If I could, it would resemble something like this...

Phone. Address. Skype name.

Education:  How much time do you have? 

Experience: Attended the Ellen DeGeneres show (twice) (front row)
Drove a tractor one summer and had dirt thrown at me
Had plantar fasciitis and was able to wear a shoe "cast" thingy with ease
Drove to Montana alone 
Spotted a person hundreds of feet away writing "A$$" on our car with a key (without the dollar sign. the HORROR!)
Sprinted to a bus stop in 3 inch heels
Cleaned a meat slicer (I'd prefer no questions related to this, but if you must, you must) 

Skills: Can eat fro-yo every day
Can do the ever-relevant worm
Play sports with my non-dominant hand (watch out!)
Can be immediately energetic upon waking up
Break into song at all times of the day
Can also break into accents at any given moment
Crack myself up 
Able to french braid all lengths and volumes of hair (reaching every demographic)
Dance on command

 I'll be waiting for your call for an interview.  


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