Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Work-on-it Wednesday

I have always had a certain "annetsy" quality.  It sounds ridiculous but I have a problem of getting too eager for things down the road.  I'll be itching for the next week, month, year, etc.  There is always something planned and I have a hard time waiting.  On the outside, you may not be able to tell.  Somehow, I can keep it contained.  Other times, I lose my cool when time seems to moving at snail speed.  I'm sure many people get excited for future events and just forget what day it is, but I cannot bank on other people sharing my issues.  In fact, I hope they do not share my issues.  I will believe that everyone is happy it's Wednesday, May 2nd and that's a lot to be thankful for already.
image via Pinterest
So today I will work on many things.

First, I will be grateful for waking up to some sort of power drilling outside.  Who needs an alarm?

I will work on cleaning my room.  Although it sounds like a small task, I assure's not.  I wouldn't let my dearest friends or family see it.  Well, except Emily.  She knows the true cleanliness of me.  And for that, I must apologize.

I will spend time carefully looking for jobs (and breathing) instead of fearing the possibility of being jobless in the future.

I will stop dreaming of upcoming months because soon enough, they will be current months and I just need to be more patient.  (I'll also stop dreaming about being an aunt because someday I will be a current aunt...what?  Where did that come from?.......)

I will attend a hot yoga class and sweat out all of my antsy-ness.  I'll relax my mind and my muscles.  I'll find an inner peace...and sweat a whole lot. (update to come)

I'll eat something healthy, refreshing, and refueling for lunch and dinner.

And when it's time to fall asleep, I will only go as far as remembering tomorrow is Thursday and that today was a great day.

What a great present.
image via Pinterest


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