1. I'm still really upset about the Lakers first loss against OKC on Monday night. No one can really sniffle with me, except for my dad and my brother, so sometimes it's just tough to get through these difficult times, you know?
2. To follow number 1, the fact that the Lakers were getting completely creamed made me do something I promised I would never do. I started to watch The Bachelorette. While I am still exhausted from the previous season of The Bachelor, I told myself not to watch the season premiere because I knew I would be hooked! Not to mention I had to drag Emily along with me on this ride. Guess what? I'm hooked. The Bachelorette has a really touching story and all I want is for her to find true love! Is that so much to ask? Needless to say, I woke up this morning ashamed about my actions from last night.
image via Google
3. Does anyone else still use two spaces between sentences whilst typing? I do. Space space.4. Does anyone else still use the word whilst? I actually don't...most days.
5. I e-mailed this picture to my mom and I'm still chuckling.
image via Pinterest
6. I have been feeling awfully nostalgic thinking about roughly a year ago when my dear Briana and I began our health education internship. It was such a scary and exciting time in our lives. We learned so much and still managed to smile and laugh throughout the entire internship. I had no idea what to expect but absolutely fell in love with the hospital setting. If you ask me today if I'm still in love with the hospital setting, I would say absolutely. Then I would smile and let you guess what else I want to say about hospitals. One thing is for certain, I would be lost in this health field without Briana.
7. Okay. Deep breath...Um, I cannot get the idea of the Portland Marathon out of my head. I KNOW. I can't run it...but it just means I wake up each day and talk myself out of it. At night, I'm ready to sign up with my credit card in hand, but then I make myself sleep on it. Rinse. Repeat.
image via Portlandmarathon.org
8. I made this pasta salad today. So delicious! I really recommend it for the summertime. Light and fresh! I used this recipe from Fine Cooking.
9. I still need to change my web address for this blog so that if you type savedbythebellingham.com, it links to annecdotes.blogspot.com. Help?
10. Dancing is one of my favorite things. Ellen DeGeneres is one of my favorite people. She has a segment called "Dance Dares" and people videotape themselves dancing behind unsuspecting people without them noticing. I took advantage of the opportunity to combine two of my favorites and made a dance dare whilst (!) at The Color Run. Someday I'll be on her show. Count on it!
Bed time!
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