Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Some things are worth it

Even if those things are people, and those people live a plane ride away.

But it's just a plane ride, right?  


Friday, May 18, 2012


image via Pinterest


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ten t(Anne)gents

My mind has been all over as of late.  I figured I would just fill you in on the tannegents I'm having today.

1.  I'm still really upset about the Lakers first loss against OKC on Monday night.  No one can really sniffle with me, except for my dad and my brother, so sometimes it's just tough to get through these difficult times, you know?

2.  To follow number 1, the fact that the Lakers were getting completely creamed made me do something I promised I would never do.  I started to watch The Bachelorette.  While I am still exhausted from the previous season of The Bachelor, I told myself not to watch the season premiere because I knew I would be hooked!  Not to mention I had to drag Emily along with me on this ride.  Guess what?  I'm hooked.  The Bachelorette has a really touching story and all I want is for her to find true love!  Is that so much to ask?  Needless to say, I woke up this morning ashamed about my actions from last night.
image via Google
3.  Does anyone else still use two spaces between sentences whilst typing?  I do.  Space space.

4.  Does anyone else still use the word whilst?  I actually don't...most days.

5.  I e-mailed this picture to my mom and I'm still chuckling.
image via Pinterest

6.  I have been feeling awfully nostalgic thinking about roughly a year ago when my dear Briana and I began our health education internship.  It was such a scary and exciting time in our lives.  We learned so much and still managed to smile and laugh throughout the entire internship.  I had no idea what to expect but absolutely fell in love with the hospital setting.  If you ask me today if I'm still in love with the hospital setting, I would say absolutely.  Then I would smile and let you guess what else I want to say about hospitals.  One thing is for certain, I would be lost in this health field without Briana.  
7.  Okay.  Deep breath...Um, I cannot get the idea of the Portland Marathon out of my head.  I KNOW.  I can't run it...but it just means I wake up each day and talk myself out of it.  At night, I'm ready to sign up with my credit card in hand, but then I make myself sleep on it.  Rinse.  Repeat.  
image via Portlandmarathon.org

8.  I made this pasta salad today.  So delicious!  I really recommend it for the summertime.  Light and fresh! I used this recipe from Fine Cooking.
9.  I still need to change my web address for this blog so that if you type savedbythebellingham.com, it links to annecdotes.blogspot.com.  Help?

10.  Dancing is one of my favorite things.  Ellen DeGeneres is one of my favorite people.  She has a segment called "Dance Dares" and people videotape themselves dancing behind unsuspecting people without them noticing.  I took advantage of the opportunity to combine two of my favorites and made a dance dare whilst (!) at The Color Run.  Someday I'll be on her show.  Count on it!  
Bed time!


Monday, May 14, 2012

The most colorful run ever!

Seattle was blessed with amazing weather this weekend!  I was blessed with a major sunburn!  Sunday was my first "race" that made me smile the entire time.  The Color Run is a 5k that requires you to wear a white shirt and plan on getting completely colorful!  Each kilometer a different colored chalky powder is thrown on you.  The race is not timed and is strictly supposed to be fun.  No Debbie Downers allowed---even if you get colors in your eyes and your mouth!  Three of my friends joined me in Seattle to enjoy the weather and the run.  There were thousands of runners and the mass of white clothes was very cool.  It was even cooler when everyone was spotted with all sorts of colors!  I'm really just excited talking about the event.  I have never enjoyed a "race" so much!  We ran, we walked, we laughed, and we got very messy!

Pre-race photo!
 All clean!
After the first color splash.  It gets better!
The happiest!  Seeing everyone messy with color could not have been more enjoyable. 
 I still have some color on my arms, feet, and stomach (it went through the shirt apparently...)
 Pure happiness!
 Colored ground.
 We had a cute little munchkin trying to join us! 
 We survived!
Clouds of color!  
Thanks to Emily for taking some of these :)

I'm already looking forward to next year's run!  This sold out in an hour...so I better be ready!  Special thanks to the Color Run volunteers for making a colorful mess of me.  I had the best time! 


Monday, May 7, 2012

Holy Hot Yoga!

Once upon a time, Emily and I decided we could attempt hot yoga.  You should know that I am not an avid yogi and Emily had never tried yoga.  In all honesty, we were excited that we could go to 10 classes for 10 dollars.  The 105 degree temperature was a mere afterthought.  The location of the hot yoga studio is roughly 20 miles away so we headed out for our 4:30 p.m. introductory class about 45 minutes early.  It's called "Hatha" yoga and is a little bit slower, focusing on breathing, strength, and balance (okay, all yoga classes are, but focus on the "slower" part!).  As we were driving to class, we hit major traffic.  It caused us to be late for the Hatha class.  Since it had taken so long to reach our destination, we waited for the next class to start.  This class was not Hatha.  This class was called "Power".  As you may have guessed, this class is for a more advanced hot yoga student.  And if you forgot, Emily and I have never participated in hot yoga.  And so began our Power class...

After 10 minutes of the class, I debated how to tell Emily that I could no longer attend one of these crazy classes.  My entire body was completely drenched with sweat.  There was no clock in sight.  I figured that surely there would be a break soon.  No break.  Constant movement.  Moves that I couldn't remember and Emily had never heard were recited from the beginning to the end of class.  While we were continuously told "this isn't a competition and you don't need to look at anyone else", all I wanted to do was see what the heck they were doing so I could feebly attempt a similar position, as long as my slippery skin would allow it.  As a person who hardly sweats during exercise, I was quite the mess.

The one rule they have at the studio is to not leave the room.  No matter how nauseous, dizzy, or thirsty you may be, it is requested that you try to stay the whole class period.  It sounds absolutely ridiculous but the great part is that you can rest on your mat covered with a sweat soaked towel until you feel better.  You bet I took full advantage of this luxury.  After the fourth chaturanga, my body was dead.  After the eighth exchange of glares with Emily, my body was dead.  We were thinking the same things.  We had yet to find our chi.

Miraculously, I heard the word "final stretch".  I whispered to Emily to double check that I heard correctly.  Anything "final" I could handle.  I had never been more thrilled to hear the word "Namaste" in my entire life.  As we dizzily walked out of class, we sat outside with the cool breeze.  My clothes soaked.  My hair disgusting.  My eyes bloodshot.  Emily and I could hardly come to terms with what we just experienced.  I don't think I could form sentences.  After several minutes of analyzing our past hour, we decided we would come back tomorrow for Hatha yoga.  Surely it would be better.  Right?

The next day we were ready for something less intense.  We hoped Hatha would be that something.  Since we were stuck in traffic the day before, we gave ourselves an hour to get to the 4:30 p.m. class since we were not interested in another Power class.  On our way, Emily looked at the Hot Yoga schedule which we left in the car.  Apparently, this studio likes to rotate classes and they are not always at the same time in the afternoons.  What class was at 4:30 p.m., you ask?  Power.  Power yoga had switched on us and we were en route for another hour of hell.  Sure enough, there was more traffic and we arrived a minute late.  It didn't take long to realize we should just hang out for another hour so we could go to the Hatha class.  In the meantime, we thought it would be best to run to the bathroom and we each grabbed a donut to eat while we waited.  Don't worry...we didn't eat the full donut...we did have a yoga class to attend!  Gosh.

Hatha was a breath of fresh air (except, that's not the right phrase...since it was so darn hot).  It was a slower class.  The teacher was great.  The moves were manageable.  The energy was much better.  This was our kind of class.  We have already attended two Hatha classes and they are much safer to start with than Power.  Can't say we didn't try, though.

image via Pinterest


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Work-on-it Wednesday

I have always had a certain "annetsy" quality.  It sounds ridiculous but I have a problem of getting too eager for things down the road.  I'll be itching for the next week, month, year, etc.  There is always something planned and I have a hard time waiting.  On the outside, you may not be able to tell.  Somehow, I can keep it contained.  Other times, I lose my cool when time seems to moving at snail speed.  I'm sure many people get excited for future events and just forget what day it is, but I cannot bank on other people sharing my issues.  In fact, I hope they do not share my issues.  I will believe that everyone is happy it's Wednesday, May 2nd and that's a lot to be thankful for already.
image via Pinterest
So today I will work on many things.

First, I will be grateful for waking up to some sort of power drilling outside.  Who needs an alarm?

I will work on cleaning my room.  Although it sounds like a small task, I assure you...it's not.  I wouldn't let my dearest friends or family see it.  Well, except Emily.  She knows the true cleanliness of me.  And for that, I must apologize.

I will spend time carefully looking for jobs (and breathing) instead of fearing the possibility of being jobless in the future.

I will stop dreaming of upcoming months because soon enough, they will be current months and I just need to be more patient.  (I'll also stop dreaming about being an aunt because someday I will be a current aunt...what?  Where did that come from?.......)

I will attend a hot yoga class and sweat out all of my antsy-ness.  I'll relax my mind and my muscles.  I'll find an inner peace...and sweat a whole lot. (update to come)

I'll eat something healthy, refreshing, and refueling for lunch and dinner.

And when it's time to fall asleep, I will only go as far as remembering tomorrow is Thursday and that today was a great day.

What a great present.
image via Pinterest
