Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey day, it is not.

I do not call Thanksgiving "Turkey Day."  Yes, typical vegetarian, but really.  Why does everyone call it Turkey Day?  Sure, it may be your main course but are you also calling Christmas "Ham Day?" (Is that the main course on Christmas? I never know. Our family may be less traditional in that sense).  My point is that it's really not all about the turkey.  It's not about the football.  It's not about the excess of eating.  To me, it's about being thankful and spending time with those closest to you.  Do not get me wrong...I love the football (at 9:30 a.m. PST) and the eating SO MUCH.

For the third year, I will not be home for Thanksgiving.  It truly does not get easier.  I will always miss our traditions at home and the simplicity of it all.  I have so many images in my mind from previous Thanksgivings, all of which make my heart a little bit sad knowing that I'm not there to re-live and create such fond memories.  Holidays are tough away from home.  Really tough.  Knowing that your family is thinking it's just as tough is enough to make it through together...while separated.

My Thanksgiving will not lack all family, just the ones who share my last name.  I am certainly lucky to spend the holidays with relatives in Washington, both old and new!  Sure, it won't be the same, but I promise it will be a new holiday celebration for us all and gosh, we will make it fun!

We're off to Bellingham for a couple days!  I'm pretty excited for any chance to get away and spend some time with people who make me smile.  As for Rafa, I hope he can handle all of the commotion without being a little turkey.

So here we are.  All of us.  We may not be with everyone we cherish but we can certainly make it known that our lives would be missing something invaluable without them.  You do not have to be together to say that.  You do not have to be together to be thankful.  You do not have to be together every holiday.  It sure would be nice though, wouldn't it?

Be thankful challenge:  I'm thankful that it's not Black Friday...yet.

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