Saturday, November 19, 2011


I have had Rafa for a week and a half and decided to update you on how it has been going.  I should preface this by saying that he has made my life so happy (wait for it...) but boy can he whine!  Rafa uses whining as his game of choice.  He likes to whine at all hours, not just when he has to go out or eat.  This makes life so much more fun for Emily and I.  Lately he thinks it's okay to wake up several times throughout the night to make a noise that I can only imagine is spelled like this "howwouuulllrrrrrrrrr."  As adorable as this looks, try to imagine the sound.  You can't because it's the most unusual of sounds.

We have had several chats now and each time he tries to look at me with those precious pup eyes that are so difficult to ignore. It's like he isn't even hearing what I have to say.  So then I lift up his one ear that flaps downward and I repeat myself to no avail.  Despite his successful plan to increase the ibuprofen consumption in our apartment, he continues to make me smile every single day.  That, my friends, is worth enough.


Be thankful challenge:  I am thankful for Saturday Night Live.  I watch it religiously for some silly reason.

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