Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Be Thankful Challenge Complete

Today is the last day of the be thankful challenge.  Surely it is not the last day to be thankful though.  Since it is the last day of November, I would like to go above and beyond one thing in which I am thankful.  I want to tell you how thankful I am for this life I was given.  Each day I am reassured how lucky I am. Through the friends and family I have, the environment I live, the places I am able to work, the opportunities I am given, and the people who support me no matter what crazy idea I may have, I am terribly thankful for it all.  And you know what?  That's enough.

What I want to say is, this life we are given is flooded with great things.  Wonderful, even.  And sometimes, it may seem difficult.  Things may not go your way and being thankful may be the last thing on your mind.  I just hope you won't completely forget to be thankful each day.  There is always something in which to be thankful.  Always someone to whom you can be thankful.  And you know what?  That's enough.

So as you go into the month of December, feel free to be thankful.  Be grateful.  Be happy.  Be satisfied.  And you know what?  That's enough.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In between holidays

I sort of cannot believe we just celebrated Thanksgiving.  I mean, I was there.  I ate.  I slept.  I saw family.  I thanked.  I cleaned up Rafa's pee 20+ times. Yet, I still cannot believe it was here and then there in no time at all.

I have a sneaky feeling I will be saying the same thing once Christmas rolls around.  In between holidays can be such a blur, but I'm going to try to make each day productive.  There is a lot to be done before Christmas and a lot that can happen.  I suppose that is what keeps it interesting.

So I thought you may need some ideas in the meantime. I have created a list for you.  I even checked it twice.

  • Send a letter or a card
  • Take pictures of your favorite meal
  • Vacuum 
  • Turn off all of your lights for an entire day
  • Wave to someone when you know they are waving to someone else
  • Participate in some arts and crafts 
  • Call a friend
  • Pray for snow
  • Shop for holiday gifts online
  • Walk around Williams-Sonoma because you will want to bathe in that Sonoma-aroma
  • Adopt a dog (just a suggestion)
  • Go on a long walk with a dear friend
  • Make homemade pizza
  • Attend a concert
  • Get a job
  • Watch a holiday movie
  • Go up in the space needle (well, you'll have to visit, won't you?)
So that should help pass the time.  Try them all out or just try several.  Please at least vacuum...


Be thankful challenge: I'm thankful for festive lights that line the streets. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

New day

Despite the fact that Monday is not always the best day, it does refresh me somehow.  It seems every week goes by fast once they are over, so I assume this will be no different.  What are you doing this week to refresh?  Sleeping more?  Exercising more?  Eating healthy?  Drinking water? Smiling more?  I hope you do all of the above.  We can check back at the end of the week to make sure you did.

Have a wonderful Monday and a delightful rest of the week.  We'll make it through.
image via Pinterest


Be thankful challenge: I am thankful for tights! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dear Kobe,

Thank you for knowing exactly what I wanted for Christmas.  I am going to spend all of Christmas day devoted to you. 

Be thankful challenge: I am thankful I am not actually running the Seattle Marathon today but I am proud of every single person who is running!  To my friend Alex---good luck! 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday

Exhausted me.


Be thankful challenge: I know I missed yesterday. I think it's clear from the post that I was unable to blog. I am thankful that Black Friday is over and I'm most thankful for the NBA. See you on Christmas!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

To the people in my life who make me smile,

Thanks. For everything. I'm truly thankful to have you in my life. I'd be lost without you.
Have an absolutely memorable day! 


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey day, it is not.

I do not call Thanksgiving "Turkey Day."  Yes, typical vegetarian, but really.  Why does everyone call it Turkey Day?  Sure, it may be your main course but are you also calling Christmas "Ham Day?" (Is that the main course on Christmas? I never know. Our family may be less traditional in that sense).  My point is that it's really not all about the turkey.  It's not about the football.  It's not about the excess of eating.  To me, it's about being thankful and spending time with those closest to you.  Do not get me wrong...I love the football (at 9:30 a.m. PST) and the eating SO MUCH.

For the third year, I will not be home for Thanksgiving.  It truly does not get easier.  I will always miss our traditions at home and the simplicity of it all.  I have so many images in my mind from previous Thanksgivings, all of which make my heart a little bit sad knowing that I'm not there to re-live and create such fond memories.  Holidays are tough away from home.  Really tough.  Knowing that your family is thinking it's just as tough is enough to make it through together...while separated.

My Thanksgiving will not lack all family, just the ones who share my last name.  I am certainly lucky to spend the holidays with relatives in Washington, both old and new!  Sure, it won't be the same, but I promise it will be a new holiday celebration for us all and gosh, we will make it fun!

We're off to Bellingham for a couple days!  I'm pretty excited for any chance to get away and spend some time with people who make me smile.  As for Rafa, I hope he can handle all of the commotion without being a little turkey.

So here we are.  All of us.  We may not be with everyone we cherish but we can certainly make it known that our lives would be missing something invaluable without them.  You do not have to be together to say that.  You do not have to be together to be thankful.  You do not have to be together every holiday.  It sure would be nice though, wouldn't it?

Be thankful challenge:  I'm thankful that it's not Black Friday...yet.

I am alright with being the worst at...

keeping a straight face.

Be thankful challenge:  I am thankful Tuesday and Van Morrison.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I am thankful for finding this.


Sunday, November 20, 2011


Have you ever gone to bed at 11 p.m. and found yourself awake until 3 a.m.?  I honestly don't encounter such crazy difficulties in sleeping but I did last night.  Sometimes I get nervous.  Extremely nervous.  I have been all weekend in anticipation for Monday.  I'm not sure how these nerves get the best of me, but they certainly have more power.  As I was sitting in my room for four sleepless hours, I decided to be productive.  I did some research, listened to music, and tried to fall asleep 12 times.  I focused on editing my marathon training program that is starting in one week!  Technically it should have started 3 weeks ago but that's neither here nor there.  Take a look!

images via Pinterest


Be thankful challenge: I am thankful for warm blankets! 

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I have had Rafa for a week and a half and decided to update you on how it has been going.  I should preface this by saying that he has made my life so happy (wait for it...) but boy can he whine!  Rafa uses whining as his game of choice.  He likes to whine at all hours, not just when he has to go out or eat.  This makes life so much more fun for Emily and I.  Lately he thinks it's okay to wake up several times throughout the night to make a noise that I can only imagine is spelled like this "howwouuulllrrrrrrrrr."  As adorable as this looks, try to imagine the sound.  You can't because it's the most unusual of sounds.

We have had several chats now and each time he tries to look at me with those precious pup eyes that are so difficult to ignore. It's like he isn't even hearing what I have to say.  So then I lift up his one ear that flaps downward and I repeat myself to no avail.  Despite his successful plan to increase the ibuprofen consumption in our apartment, he continues to make me smile every single day.  That, my friends, is worth enough.


Be thankful challenge:  I am thankful for Saturday Night Live.  I watch it religiously for some silly reason.

Friday, November 18, 2011

I ran today

I ran today.  I have not done that since the marathon.  Sure, I've worked out in other ways, but I always give myself some time in between so that I do not become disappointed with running.  Things are clearly going well  since I'm signed up for the next marathon in March.  Will I ever learn?  Answer:  There is no answer...yet.

Even still, I was happy to be running again.  It felt natural and normal to be back in the swing of things.  I'm going to create my training guide tonight.  I have some ideas of my sleeve as far as creating more interesting posts about training for a marathon!  I know you are saying, "Anne, your training posts have left me in awe and I have been smiling ever since the first marathon training in 2009", but this will be better.  You better believe it. 

Since it's 6 p.m. on a Friday and I have spent half the afternoon watching recordings of Ellen and the final Regis and Kelly (what, you weren't curious?), I am going to make it a productive evening.  I'll probably clean my room and paint my nails.  The rest is really to be determined.  I still like to keep you on the edge of your seat. 


Be thankful challenge: I am incredibly thankful I caught up with my friend, Aby, on the phone today.  We have been playing a vicious game of phone tag lately.  Aby and I can really relate and I must tell you how refreshing that is nowadays.  She also inspires me to run whether she knows it or not!  She is one of my biggest supporters.  I love her lots.  I wish she lived closer. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nothing to say

Since I missed posting yesterday, I would like to tell you that I was thankful that we made it back from Portland safely because it was POURING.  I hate driving in the rain, but it sure beats the snow.  When in Pour-tland...

But mostly, I'm thankful for random pictures on my computer.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Family trip

Emily, Rafa, and I will be traveling south to Portland.  Portland is one of my very favorite places in the PNW.  I'm so delighted about this spur of the moment trip!

Be thankful challenge: I'm thankful to live close enough for trips to Portland. Duh.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Can I make another wish?

If anyone wants to make me the happiest person, and I mean HAPPIEST person in the world, tomorrow is the day to do it. 


I know it's not 11:11 but...

Can I make a wish?  

images via Pinterest

I wish I could blog for a living.


Be thankful challenge: I am thankful for a new week to refresh the body.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

ChardAnne-ay, please. (yes, I'm sure you have had enough)

I do not know if I'm trying to fill some sort of void in my life but I just cannot stop with these marathons.  Before you shake your head, please focus on this: Napa Valley Marathon.

I've been eyeing this marathon for some time.  Chicago took over my mind and my legs for awhile, but I have had enough time to regroup and think about the Napa Valley Marathon.  I do not know anyone there.  I plan to visit for several days after the race.  I think it would be fun if people met me there, however I have no issue if it's just me and the vineyards.  I know, it just sounds brutal.
via google images

My problem, and I am just addressing one, is that I want to experience new places and running a marathon is an incredible way to do so.  Sure, you can take tours and cruises, but I like to let me feet carry me down a stretch of road (roads...and more roads).

So here I am.  Once again signing up for marathons a couple months away.  But I must ask you, would you like to meet me there?

Have I mentioned there will be wine?


Be thankful challenge: I'm thankful to have my first ever running buddy for my training!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Best Chili I Ever Made

Tonight I want to share a delicious recipe with you.  It's from another Anne blogger whom I adore.  She is becoming a registered dietitian and is studying in North Carolina.  She posted a chili recipe the other day and I knew it was my next task.  When I had a day off, I decided I'd like to do nothing more than cook and bake all day.  So I did.  I made chili and cupcakes.

Can I tell you my honest opinion?  This is probably better than any meaty chili you are used to devouring.  

Okay, you will have to try it to determine that but that is just my biased opinion.  Ugh...vegetariAnnes...

Sweet Potato Lentil Quinoa Chili 
Adapted from Fannetastic Food

16 oz lentils (not dry) -I recommend the Trader Joe's kind
2 cups quinoa 
3 sweet potatoes, cubed
1 container vegetable broth
1.5 cups water
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups fennel
3 handfuls of kale, chopped
3 carrots, chopped
3 Tbsp cumin 
1 Tbsp cinnamon 
Hot sauce to taste (highly recommended!)

Bring the vegetable broth, water, and lentils to a boil.  Let simmer for 10 minutes. 
Add quinoa to soak up broth. 
Add sweet potatoes, carrots, garlic, kale, and fennel. While it's still simmering, add the cumin, cinnamon and hot sauce. 
Wait until sweet potatoes and carrots are soft enough. 
Optional: Add a few sprigs of cilantro on top!

The recipe is super easy and quick!  The lentils and quinoa are a great combination to fill you up.  Please go try this and tell me what you think! 

Be thankful challenge: Today has just been one of those days...but I'm thankful for walks and lights on trees!

ALSO----Happy 21st to my cousin, John and happy anniversary to my parents!  Today is a very, very special day for some of my favorite people :) Love and miss you!


Thursday, November 10, 2011


May I just start by saying that there are a LOT of dogs in Seattle?  Since I moved to the city, I have noticed a million.  It could be because I have been looking at adopting a dog for awhile and every animal with four legs that wasn't a cat sparked my immediate interest.  Even still, I think there are a lot of dogs around here.  It's a wonderful thing.  Seeing families walking their dogs with a cup of coffee in the morning (and sometimes a cigarette but I try to focus purely on the dogs) is a calming feeling.  It's hard to describe why that makes me smile inside, but it surely does.

For several weeks, I have been searching for rescued dogs who are homeless.  I cannot tell you how many sites made me say "ooohhhh my goshhhhh" in a tone that was so overjoyed and close to annoying.  Other sites caused tears to trickle down my cheeks as I read the sob story that the adoption agencies so craftily create for suckers like me.  "He was found limping down I-5 covered in tar and whimpering for food and just needs someone who will love him"??

Despite the stories, I had a lot to think about...

I knew that adopting a dog would undoubtedly come with plenty of additional responsibility.  I knew that adopting a dog would cost money.  I knew that adopting a dog would mean he might pee on the chair or shed everywhere.  I knew that adopting a dog would make it difficult to travel for long periods of time.  I knew that adopting a dog would require trips to the vet. I knew that adopting a dog would have to be okay with my cousin since we are roommates.  I knew that adopting a dog would mean I'd have him for years and years and years.

I knew that adopting a dog was what the dog needed.  It's what I needed.

Since I am unable to make it back home for the holidays, I decided not to wait until after they passed to adopt a dog.  My jobs would allow me to walk home on breaks to care for the dog and take him out (they just would not allow me to go home for Christmas.  Pick your battles...).  Once I have ideas spinning through my mind, it's hard to let go of them (hence, running the Chicago marathon because why not?).  I found a dog who had been in a kennel for awhile now.  His family moved from California and could not find a home for themselves, let alone their dog.  So he was rescued and has been stuck without a normal friend or family.  The picture showed the dog, a shepherd mix, sitting in the grass.  Millions of ideas ran through my head.  I'll tell you three of them: First, we could RUN together!  Second, his colors are beautiful.  Third, it might be love at first sight.

Before I knew it, I had filled out the adoption sheet.  Less than a week later he was delivered to me by the rescue organization.

Since I was utterly opposed to keeping his name Rex, I named him Rafa after Rafael Nadal, obviously.  I had no idea how perfect that name would suit him when he showed up with a Nike swoosh bandana on his head!  He quickly peed on the chair in the apartment (that's the only time!!) immediately when he arrived.  Rafa was such a good dog the first night.  He hung out with Emily and I, watched a movie and just relaxed.  I was in heaven.  He probably was, too.  At night we put him in the crate unsure of how he would react.  He only whimpered for about 10 minutes before retiring for the rest of the evening.  Rafa has yet to bark.  He has yet to disappoint.

Rafa has decided to follow me everywhere in the apartment.  "Rafa, I'm just going to the bathroom!"  He whimpers when Emily or I close a door for a minute.  He likes to give me kisses and jump on my legs.  He loves going outside and peeing on flower pots and rocks.  He likes to stretch his body out beside me as I write blog posts.
In just two days, my life has drastically changed for the absolute best.  I think about Rafa throughout the work day and look forward to coming home on my break to run around with him.  He is so funny.  I constantly wonder what he is thinking.  I wish I could sum up how I am thinking so that he knows how lucky I am to have him in my life.  Adopting a dog is not just about helping the dog.  It's about helping yourself.  Rafa has already become my dearest friend.  He truly is more than just one additional dog in Seattle.


Be thankful challenge:  I know I missed yesterday.  I did not have a chance to post so today, I am thankful for phone calls with my parents and DVR.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What a day

Today was not your average day, though I tried to make it seem that way in order to pass the time.  I woke up and had some apples with pumpkin butter.  I highly recommend this combination for readers who enjoy both apples and pumpkin butter.  

Next I made sure my entire room was spotless.  The terrible towel is still folded from the depression that set in after this weekend's game.  After the cleaning and working out, my cousin Emily and I headed to Target for some supplies.  We somehow managed to pass 3 and a half hours of time before returning home.  Once we got back, the waiting game began to sink in.  My new friend would be arriving within hours.

 Meet Rafa!  I will be adopting this cutie pie.  He is a shepherd mix and has been sad and lonely in a kennel for awhile now.  I figured the least I could do was adopt him so that we can be lonely together.

 Since the three of us are watching a movie right now, my mind is not quite set to explain everything.  Surely I will be back tomorrow with more on Rafa.  Remember when all I used to blog about was running?  That will change after tonight...except when I tell you all about running with Rafa.

That little hole in my heart was filled tonight.  Is that a song?  Well, I'm about to write a whole album.

              Anne (and Rafa)

Be thankful challenge: I'm so so so thankful for Rafa.  My life is already even better!  (I'm also thankful for clean apartments!)

Monday, November 7, 2011

On any given day...

...I'm thankful to make new friends.
via Pinterest


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lucky ones

I cannot count how many nights I've sat at my computer researching different countries.  The countries that somehow draw me in without me really having an explanation for why they entice me.  After all, these countries are ones I have never visited.  The only country I have visited outside of the U.S. was one that simply required driving 20 minutes to reach the border and traveling a little further to reach Vancouver, Whistler, and Victoria, BC.  Oh excuse me, this was AD.  I love Canada.  Vancouver is a city that I could see myself living in.  It's clean, modern, busy, and full of culture.  Whistler is breathtaking.  I went there when it was winter and obviously didn't ski or snowboard since I don't know how, but I'd love to check it out in the summer.  The convenience is extremely nice and I know I'll find myself back in Whistler again.  Victoria seems like a European country, not that I've ever been, with its architecture and quaintness.  I would love to spend more time there as well.  I know Canada is massive and I have only seen those areas, but I've heard good things about the rest of the areas, too!

Since my college career was scattered, the timing and class expectations were specific by the time I reached Washington.  That being said (and sad), studying abroad would not work if I wanted to graduate at a normal time.  Once that realization set in, I knew I had to just continue on because I had my own studying adventure across the country. While I will never feel let down for my school adventures in Washington, I did always wish I could have studied abroad.  So I made sure to live vicariously through friends who were doing such wonderful things in other countries.  I looked at pictures and heard the incredible stories.  I was so excited for them, the lucky ones.

The point is, just because I didn't study abroad in college, it does not mean that I will be stapled to the U.S. forever and ever, amen.  No, no.  It just means that I'll keep my feet on the ground until I am ready and able to afford moving to Dubrovnik, Croatia.  That's all.


Be thankful challenge: I'm thankful for an extra hour of much needed sleep!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

You're looking rather lovely today

It's no secret I love Ellen DeGeneres with like 94% of my heart.  Well maybe that percentage was still a secret, but there it is---out in the open.  You know just about all of my secrets at this point.  I'm feeling rather vulnerable.

With each episode, there are new stories, new surprises, new moments of laughter, and new moments of joyful tears.  Ellen is the most kind-hearted person I don't personally know.  Sometimes I wonder if she is real.  One incredible soul stuffed inside a little dancing body?  Crazy.

As if her outpouring of love was not enough on her episodes, I recently saw this clip on Jimmy Kimmel.  It made me laugh so hard.  I probably watched it 8 times in a row the other day.  Please watch!!

She truly is one of the nicest people on this earth.  We've all had our days and we've all dealt with people who have had their days as well.  The problem is there is too much negativity in the world.  Too much glass half empty in the world.  Too much meanness in the world.  There's a reason why she ends each show with the phrase,"be kind to one another."  Let's start each day with that phrase.  And while you're at it, have a nice-off with the next person you see.  Since I can't see any of you right now, I'll tell you how blessed I am to have any one read this blog.  Also, your hair looks great tonight!


Be thankful challenge:  Band-aids.

Friday, November 4, 2011

What day?

I'm having the hardest time keeping track of days.  Working on the weekends makes me forget that weekends exist.  Well, partially.  I do miss having weekends but I haven't had much time to think deeply about my lack of weekends.  All I know is that I'm losing track of my days as fast as I'm losing track of my mind.  Is anyone with me on that?  I cannot tell you how many times I've misplaced my keys or my phone or my water bottle.  These are the essentials!  Even still, I'm functioning like somewhat of a normal human being and just going about my day thinking about the same old things.  I apologize for the short posts---I told you it was hard keeping track of my mind!  It's nearing bed time for me so I will leave you with this:  I am so thankful to relax at night.

And I wish I could relax in this...
via Pinterest

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Half yearly

Guess what?  Nordstrom is having a half yearly sale.  Oh, I forgot to add this "!!!!!!!!!!" I found myself in the women's shoe department on my day off and well, it was a mad house.  Of all the departments in that store, women's shoes is in a world of its own.  There are microphones.  There are millions of people.  There are millions of employees.  There are millions of shoes.  I perused the claustrophobic area with all of the other shoe fanatics.  I had previously perused the less claustrophobic area of online shopping and found a pair of shoes that drew me in.  Sparkly.  Fancy.  Could be dressed down.  Okay, who I am?  I love shoes and I like them even more with a discount.  So there I was in the cluttered shoe department with a new employee who I instantly reassured was doing a wonderful job and I left with new sparkly shoes and even shipped shoes as a gift.  Nordstrom may be busy right now, but the sale is worth taking a look at, I guarantee!  The holidays are right around the corner and I bet you'll find something worth giving!  If you don't think so, all I can say is that I'm still working on my sales pitch...
That being said, I'm thankful for a good sale every now and then :-)
