I decided to read a magazine today while I worked out. I don't do that often but it seemed to be that sort of day. I grabbed January's issue of "O" magazine. I've only read the magazine once in my life (when Ellen was the second person in history to share the cover. Obviously) I thought I'd give it a shot but believe me, I will not be making it a regular thing. As I was reading I flipped and skimmed through the articles about the new year and how to make it great for yourself, etc. I reached a blurb that I found both fascinating and brilliant. It explained that an Australian based company allows their employees to take a "FedEx" day. During this day, an employee needs to do something other than work. It doesn't matter they can have their choice but at the end of the day, they must have completed something. The guidelines were clearly not specific but if they took a day off to garden, they should have flowers or vegetables planted by the end of the day. Another important factor, the employees had to make sure they laughed during the day. I think those Aussies are on to something! What a perfectly simple idea. Have a productive day that doesn't incorporate work related issues but is not wasted at the same time. What about actual FedEx workers? They have FedEx days every single day. Is it a bit redundant? Perhaps they could take a "UPS" priority day and but it can actually last for 3-4 days. Just a suggestion. I'm sure there are some kinks that need to be worked out. I hope the bosses don't have a tracking number that can track where their employees are during that day...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I decided to read a magazine today while I worked out. I don't do that often but it seemed to be that sort of day. I grabbed January's issue of "O" magazine. I've only read the magazine once in my life (when Ellen was the second person in history to share the cover. Obviously) I thought I'd give it a shot but believe me, I will not be making it a regular thing. As I was reading I flipped and skimmed through the articles about the new year and how to make it great for yourself, etc. I reached a blurb that I found both fascinating and brilliant. It explained that an Australian based company allows their employees to take a "FedEx" day. During this day, an employee needs to do something other than work. It doesn't matter they can have their choice but at the end of the day, they must have completed something. The guidelines were clearly not specific but if they took a day off to garden, they should have flowers or vegetables planted by the end of the day. Another important factor, the employees had to make sure they laughed during the day. I think those Aussies are on to something! What a perfectly simple idea. Have a productive day that doesn't incorporate work related issues but is not wasted at the same time. What about actual FedEx workers? They have FedEx days every single day. Is it a bit redundant? Perhaps they could take a "UPS" priority day and but it can actually last for 3-4 days. Just a suggestion. I'm sure there are some kinks that need to be worked out. I hope the bosses don't have a tracking number that can track where their employees are during that day...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Do button up, it's awfully cold outside.
Well I have been home for a week already and boy has it flown by! This worries me for my final two weeks but I will try not to focus on that. So far I have been enjoying my time going to the dentist and eye doctor to name a few of the appointments. Boy has it been a treat! I have been gone so long that apparently there is a new way to clean teeth. When I was sitting in the chair cringing and fighting back the urge to grab that little metal pick, the woman started to describe how she was going to clean my teeth. I knew how they cleaned teeth until she threw in the words "sodium bicarbonate" and "raise your hand if you need me to stop in the middle of it". Excuse me? Then she proceeded to put a shield in front of her face and put a kleenex over my face so I couldn't see anything. Before I knew it, I had teeth that were smoother than ever. Regardless of the contraptions and chemicals, the new version of brushing teeth worked out for the best. I realize how curious you were of my trip to the dentist so why not fill you in to the fullest extent? You're welcome.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'll be home for Christmas, you can count on me.
"Tiger this. Tiger that." "More on Tiger." "What you didn't hear about Tiger." "The truth about Tiger." "Wait, we retract that and this is what happened to Tiger." Tiger Woods is the focus of every topic, joke and article out there right now. Yes, the phenomenal golfer has "transgressed" in the eyes (even in the eye of the Tiger....) of everyone but can we stop talking about it already? Oh I know, but what would Jay Leno say in his monologue then? What would the entertainment shows provide for their followers? I suppose the questions are endless and people want to hear about their favorite golfer but aren't there more important things to report on? The unfortunate "transgression" of our country? The buzzer beater shot made by Kobe Bryant the other night? The soldiers who can't make it home for the holidays? There are so many other things more worthy. Of course I realize people thrive on hearing these stories. Well, maybe for a day. Yes, it was a terrible thing he did...or didn't do...or whatever the truth may be. Regardless, he has won more majors than you have.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Leftover thoughts...
Has the long holiday week/weekend left you confused on what the actual day is? I have been completely thrown off schedule and for that, it has left me baffled. Of course, I know it is Saturday November 28th, 2009 but I had to think about it before the realization hit. Since Wednesday I have been thrown off. The best part is that I have continuously been thinking that it is later in the week than it really is which makes me content. It's Saturday and it feels like Sunday. Two days ago felt like Saturday when it was clearly Thursday. Needless to say, this break has been the perfect amount of time to relax. I am getting back into finals mode after a few days (it doesn't matter what day it was, it was more important to fill it with stress-free activities) to calm down and enjoy company. Thanksgiving has passed by just like that! Did you have a wonderful day? I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and reveled in the delicious and comforting food surrounded by family and friends. What more do you need?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
“Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking.”
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday not Shun-day.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Bear-y tired
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I'm picking up the message, Lord.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Patience patience.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It's difficult to let a perfect morning go to waste. This morning was one of those crisp, cool fall mornings that welcomed all those who wanted to venture out into the fresh air to forget about anything but the glory of the invigorating morning. That is exactly how I spent the morning. I forgot about the stress of upcoming exams while running and thought about how great this particular morning was with its beautiful colored trees and cool breeze dropping in from the bay. I also thought about how I could assemble a blog post on this splendid Saturday.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
This is your song, not mine.
I'm here, don't worry. I know it has been ages since the last post but I did not find any time in my week to muster something to discuss here. I may as well clear something up before you read too far. I still do not have a subject of great importance to type for you to set your eyes on and read through. I’m hoping that as I continue these nonspecific sentences, I will discover an exciting tale. Were you wondering what had happened to me? I apologize. Tests took over and I went into a demanding (demANNEding) mode! The week was such a blur of talking about muscles, ossification and much, much more and therefore I need a break (fracture) so I will spare you the time and refrain from explaining this chaotic week in deep detail.
More importantly, how are you? Yes, you! I can’t be the only busy one here. Are you doing well? Maybe we could take a deep breath together. One…two…three. Ah, much better. It’s fantastic that Friday has finally met us and we have a nice couple of days to rewind before the next week. Are you filling your weekend with exceptional activities? I think I’m going to run again. Do you know what? I’m not going to map out where I have to go. I’m not going to get up at 6 am to beat the heat while running. I’m not going worry about how far I go. I’m going to run until I do not feel like it anymore. That is the current plan for my exceptional activity. Finally, I’d like to tell you how much I appreciate you. Don’t forget! Take care of yourselves.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Pleased to meet you.
I'll have to settle for patience during introductions and remember that saying "I'm" will only get a disoriented look. I know what you are thinking, but a name tag would create even more puzzled looks. Not because of my name, but because I'm wearing a name tag in the first place.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
"Friends, Romans, Countrymen..."
Friday, October 2, 2009
Busy Beaver
I will try to make my next post more interesting than this but I thought I'd let you know that I haven't fallen off the planet (yet). Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Monday, September 28, 2009
“God put me on Earth to accomplish a certain number of things”
Saturday, September 26, 2009
These guys know what they're talking about...
Veikko Karvonen, 1954 European and Boston Marathon Champ
Douglas Wakiihuri speaking to journalists
Ann Trason
Ludmila Engquist (Olympic champion hurdler facing cancer and chemotherapy)
Will Rogers
Robert Frost
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fall! Fall! Fall!
Four months of summer have come to a much needed end. What a glorious summer it was! I've never had so much time, or should I say, so much free time. Although I did not have a job this summer, I was blessed with all the opportunities I had. Tomorrow is finally the first day of school. I'm glad that my last day of summer is on the first day of fall. It's definitely time to get going and fill my days with stressful studying, reading and homework. Well, I'm not pushing for it but unfortunately it is a given that I will receive these fortunes of education. Finally, when everyone asks me how school is going, I can now tell them how it actually is instead of explaining why Washington starts over a month after most schools! I can't complain. This place is worth every new change (so far!). Thankfully my mom is here for such a great week. I will just go ahead and assume tomorrow she'll put a bow in my hair, pack my PB&J lunch, and give me a sticker if I make it through the day. I certainly know what my first day of school outfit will be! Please see picture--------------------->
Sunday, September 20, 2009
If I run faster, I'll be done faster.
Happy Sunday, all.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Countdown Conundrum
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
"These Lights will Inspire you, Let's Hear it for New York"
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Vacation during Vacation
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Free Fallin'
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Pinnacle
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I call for a re-count! I have had an entire day to ceaselessly comprehend why Ellen DeGeneres did not receive an Emmy for Best Daytime Talk Show. If there was another candidate that actually deserved the coveted crown, I suppose I could find it in my loyal Ellen-loving heart to be happy for this impostor, I mean, rookie. It's hard to be happy when that other candidate who stole the crown from Ellen after she wore it for three well-deserved years is none other than the ear-splitting Rachael Ray. "Yum-o"? More like "Yuck-o". I understand that she may have some good recipes but I find it difficult to truly believe that people enjoy listening to her voice. It's clear that people must find her funny or likeable since she has a talk show. Although I am strongly opposed (alright, completely biased) to her show, I am understanding and realize that I don't have to sit and listen to her. So I do not ever allow her orange lifestyle or raspy, boisterous voice into my daily schedule. Now, I can confirm that there is not a single episode of Ellen that does not get a laugh, cry, or conversation out of me. Her fan base grows by the second because of her hilarious quips. Not only is she good-humored, she is also good-hearted. I cannot add up the donations she gives to charities, the money she gives to those who have lost their jobs, the phone calls she makes to fans (still waiting...), the opportunities she creates for people, and the lasting impressions that are inflicted on our world. WORLD! Simply saying she only influences our country would not be truthful. Countries around the world are constantly sending their love to Ellen! That explains a lot about her impact on those around her and those continents away. I have been going on this rant about how unfair it is but I'm sure Ellen's attitude was a bit less wrathful. I suppose I'll put my thoughts at rest on the topic. I know who deserved it and that's enough for me. Was Rachael Ray ever asked to be featured on the Oprah magazine? I didn't think so. (Catch Ellen on the December 2009 Issue!) Until then, I am looking forward to the new season of Ellen and anxiously await the new guests, new laughs, new dances and new adventures. See you in six days, Ellen.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Could you spare some change?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's almost here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Here's a Shoe-per story
Monday, August 24, 2009
Food for thought