Yes, those buggers have been around forever. Those things we like to call germs. The truth of the matter is whenever someone or something makes us think about the germs around us, it is hard to think about anything else. But that only lasts for a brief time period before we go back to forgetting about germs and how they are EVERYWHERE. The reason germs are on my mind is because I had to go to the Whatcom County Health Department this morning. I recently acquired a job working on campus at a cafe or market or somewhere (*NOT A DINING HALL*) They are waiting a little while to tell me where exactly I will be working. Please, the anticipation is simply killing me. After three months of luckless job offers and over twenty applications, I figure I'll take this job while I can. Let me clear this up though, I'm not thrilled. So back to the bottom line of this Health Department trip. I needed a Food Handler's Permit and in order to capture such a prized possession I was required to watch a 22 minute video,take a test, and give them ten dollars for all of the trouble I was causing. Easy enough right? Right. Except, I had studied about Foodborne Illness, Danger Zones regarding heating and cooling, proper cleaning and sanitizing rules and so many other useful and somewhat disturbing bits of information and then I was surprised by what I heard when I walked through that Health Department's doorway. "The computer's are over there. Just put on the headphones and watch the video, take the 32 question test and that's it!" That's it? All I could think of was the prior information I had soaked up about germs and now I had to put these discolored, greyish-tannish headphones on my head and over my ears? These were the headphones that did not allow any ear breathing. They surrounded the entire ear from the top cartilage to the the very bottom of the ear lobe. As I said before, once you start thinking about germs, it's hard to stop until something else snags your focus. The entire, and I mean ENTIRE time I was watching that video about germs, food, and adamant directions to stay home if you are feeling ill, I thought about how I needed to get home and shower and wash my hair and my ears immediately! Disgusting. In case you were worried, I passed the test with flying colors and got that permit valid for two whole years! If you are ever concerned about where you should put the meat in your refrigerator or the proper temperature to rehead vegetables, I'm your go-to gal! No one likes germs. Who would? I certainly am not a big fan and I wash those fruits and veggies vigorously or else I'll be completely concious of the fact that I didn't. Do you ever notice the people that have their own shows on the Food Network almost always say they have to wash their hands after they touch raw meat, fish or poultry? I wonder if they have to incorporate that so they can't be held accountable for someone giving someone salmonella or E.Coli through a chicken a l'orange dish or perhaps an ultimate omelette. Either way, they are doing it right! Food borne illnesses can put such a damper on a day...and although this wasn't the most appetizing or enjoyable post, I bet you are just about ready to go wash those hands!
Happy Monday!
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