It's one of those nights. A magnetic force is pulling my fingers to the keys of the computer in hopes that I will be able to blog about something so incredible that you will not believe a word of it! Well, on the contrary, I find myself at a loss of what to blog about. I can only think for so long before I tell myself that there is nothing up there in that brain of mine that feels like being translated into blog format. This has happened before, I'm aware of that. I cannot let you down without saying something though! After countless minutes (roughly 22) I decided to give in. I'm only human, you know. Yes you guessed it... I Googled "What should I blog about?" You'd think of 504,000,000 results, I'd have found something worthy but the truth is, I rummaged through a few of the first links and was not pleased. I'm already tired so I certainly do not have time to sift through millions of results. It is not uncommon to be at a loss for words. In fact, I learned some new terminology called "Blogger's block" which I'm currently facing. Anyway, there were plenty that suggested to "write something you are passionate about". Well, alright, where would I begin? That's like saying write about a dessert you like. So it's back to square one. What's the best thing to do when you're brain just doesn't want to function anymore? Sleep. Goodnight and I'll be back soon.
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