Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Holy kittens!  It's the eighth month of the year and I'm sitting in bed thinking about what on earth has been going on!  This year, up to this point, has been so incredible and interesting and life changing and stressful and sad and happy and totally not what I expected.  Whew.  Just thinking about everything I've done and everywhere I've been leaves me with a smile and a full heart.  And just like that, it's August!  August.  Whoa.  Cool!  I have so many thoughts!  Where do I begin?  Sorry...I'm a little too awake for 5:45 am.

August is a stone's throw away from fall.  Can you believe that?   I mean, in Seattle, summer just arrived!  So that must mean I need to enjoy the last bits of summer weather I can, as long as Seattle will do its part in giving me those bits.

I'll be doing a brief life renovation shortly and have lots to do before that takes place.  Lots of cleaning, working, visiting friends and family, trips to Oregon, and soaking up Seattle in every pore of my body.  If you are wondering why I'm here so infrequently, it's because of all of that.  I'll have more updates to come, more adventures to share, and more cheesy jokes to make you laugh, even if you don't admit it.

Now here's what you missed in July!

And here's what I miss in August.


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