Friday, March 23, 2012


Ahhhhhh!  Here it is...Saved by the Bellingham was changed to Annecdotes.  Just like that.  Saved by the Bellingham is old news, folks.  Except, it's not completely gone.  I'm still working on the URL so for now, it's still  (also, I apologize to my brother for purchasing that URL...I still appreciate it!)

So.  You knew it would be a play on words, right?  I mean, it's me here.  I would not be fully content.  Even still, I hope you learn to appreciate the new blog name!  Blogs are simply anecdotes, full of short stories and musings about life.  This blog, in particular, is mine.  Don't worry, I haven't blog just needed some freshening up!
image via Pinterest

Please, enjoy my Annecdotes!  Or get out while you can!


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