Hi there.
We have had a few interesting days in Seattle. For one, it snowed a lot. This means the city shut down almost completely. Thankfully I
did not have to would never drive in such conditions so I was able to relax at the apartment as I watched the snow swirl in the bitter air. I prayed that I would not see any accidents as I watched trucks turn and fish tail until they were able to drive properly on the road. The problem is that Seattle does not prepare for this sort of snow/ice storm. I never could understand that. Sure, it doesn't happen often but it seems that each time it does people say that Seattle is not equipped to plow and salt all of the roads in a timely manner. If you keep saying that, doesn't it mean that for a few days every year or so, it's vital to clear the roads for a safe city? Even still, I was grateful for a couple days to regroup. To relax. To stay warm. To reflect. To walk around a calm and peaceful, snowy city. To be.

We are back to rain now, but the feeling is comfortably familiar. I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a relaxing weekend. I'll leave you with a few nice images I found while I relaxed the past two days.
images via Pinterest
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