Today I did not have to work. Well, of course I worked a tiny bit but for the most part, I had the full day off. Usually I work on the weekends so it is sort of a treat to have a day off in the middle of the week to catch up on life. Sure, I did some laundry and ran some errands that do not seem like typical "great day off" types of things...but to me, those are just the start to a nice day. I really enjoy not rushing and getting to something when I get to it (seriously, my room will be clean TOMORROW!) but with work lately, the rushing feeling has been happening more and more. I made plans to meet with friends on Bainbridge Island this afternoon. I took some time to walk downtown to the ferry terminal. I listened to music and soaked up every ounce of this winter day. It was overcast and perfect. I enjoyed walking downtown more than I have in a long time. Just me and my thoughts.
The pigs were in their holiday best.Not many Christmas trees left at the market but I thought they were still beautiful. If Rafa wasn't such a crazy and rambunctious curious dog, I would love having a full size tree! Emily and I have settled for the potted tree atop the counter (still real because the fake ones just don't have the same appeal).
I sat on the ferry and looked at my city. Sometimes I cannot believe I'm living in Seattle. It's hard to explain. When you all move here, you'll know what I mean. It's really worth it, too.Hey Cascade mountains! I love you with like, most of my heart!
One ticket, please!
Bainbridge Island is so beautiful and so are my friends Hannah and Becky!
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