Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A training update...

Well, gosh.  I haven't been on my best marathon training behavior, but you've all heard that one before.  I also haven't been on my best "don't end a sentence with a preposition" behavior, but I'm just going to let that slide.  The truth is, my dear readers, that life has been hectic/not hectic enough.  Does that make sense?  Probably not. I just moved to Seattle and packing/moving for that has taken a lot of energy out of me.  It is good energy though.  I love Seattle so far.  The atmosphere is totally different from Bellingham and I'm so close to the main area of downtown I could burst!  The thing about downtown Seattle is that 20 mile running routes are just plain obnoxious to find.  I do not know the area very well so when I knew that I would have to complete my 20 mile run before going home for the marathon, it sort of scared me a little tiny bitsy.  This realization coupled with the business of unpacking, exploring, volunteering, interviewing, and applying for jobs made me do something I wouldn't dream of doing.  Waking up at 5:45 am to run 20 miles on...the...(deep breath)...treadmill.  Yup.  That's sadly correct.  Yesterday I completed my last long run on the treadmill.  I saw a dozen people come and go and I wanted to punch every one of those wise worker-outers. \

I must offer my treadmill-running advice...

The cons of running 20 miles on a treadmill:
-When you step off, you may tip over
-At 5:45 am, the news is all that is on.  Music videos, Home Improvement, and Keeping up with the Kardashians aren't on until a little later
-You are stuck in one place
-You're mind goes crazy. For reals.
-You have one window of fresh air, that's all.

The pros of running 20 miles on a treadmill:
-You break the run into four sets of five miles
-You do not have to carry pepper spray
-You can run when it's pitch black out

I probably wouldn't do it again, but if I didn't have to volunteer an hour later, I would have run a marathon on that treadmill...just 'cause.

Even still, I am pleased as punch that the 20 miles are out of the way and my sights are set on the 26.2.  I'll just try to run in the meantime, since that has clearly been a major issue in my training regimen.

If you are not busy Sunday, October 9th, feel free to come to the Chicago marathon...the energy is contagious and motivating.  The end.


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