Friday, February 18, 2011

So Close to Sixteen

It was supposed to snow today. It was supposed to rain today. It was supposed to be cold today. It did not snow today. It did not rain today. It was nearly 50 degrees today. I could not have asked for a more beautiful day. I love how Washington is funky like that. Looking at is without a doubt one of the most pointless things to do. You take what you're given and run with it. That's exactly what I did. I went to work at 7 am and was ready to run a few hours later. I decided today would be a great day for my long weekly run of 16 miles. Then I would have the rest of the weekend to relax, if you can believe it! 
I snapped a few photos of the various surroundings. Sometimes they all look the same, but each day I feel something different. All love, though.
Around mile 3 I felt an uncommon pain in my lower left leg. It was not comfortable. My only problem, besides the pain in my leg, was that this does not really happen to me. Even if my body aches, it's usually just because I have been running for a long time but it never starts at the beginning of my journey. The worst part? I need to run. This is my escape and time to just get out there and go. I enjoy my surroundings, I smile at other walkers/runners, I hold back on petting the adorable dogs because I know that is not what I will do during the marathon, and I have a few hours to myself with my music in my ears and the breeze leaving a smile on my face. I could have easily turned around and tried the sixteen on another day but I decided to put my stubborn painful foot down and keep trucking.

 I tried to take a picture of the mountains because they were as clear as every but somehow it looks like a painting. Well, I guess you'll have to deal with that. It was really the least of my worries. I was cruising back and around mile 13 I really felt that stupid annoying pain getting worse and worse. It's difficult to respond when you know exactly how far you have to go and in the grand scheme of things, it seems so doable. By mile 14, I gave in to that pesky fibularis longus and came to a halt. It was time to use my emergency call (Yes, I tuck my phone into my running belt in case I ever need it for something---you can breathe a sigh of relief, Grandma. Things happen. I'd hate to be stranded 8 miles out). I called my roommate Briana and she was such a dear life saver. Unfortunately, I just could not pound the pavement any longer. With two miles to go, I threw in the towel.
I guess I'm not as tough as I thought. Blueberries really put things in perspective...

Today's Dedication: My mom
My mom rides her bike twice a day (weather permitting). I thought about her today while I was running. If she is unable to ride her bike, she feels like she missed a great part of her day. I am the same with running. Everyone needs a little time to just get out there and do something that makes them truly happy. I see that in her after she goes on her bike rides. Don't get me wrong, that is not the only time she is truly happy. I have one happy mother. She makes me happy, too. If she has an off day, she adjusts her bike ride accordingly. She will usually just shorten her route and wait for the next time to come back stronger. This is all I could think about while I was out there. I nearly heard my mom saying, "don't push yourself." Mothers do know best. My mom knows me best and I would like to think I know my mom far as in comparison to all the other moms...She is one of the strongest people I know and look up to. No matter what the situation, she always finds a graceful way to deal with it. I envy it and try my best to emulate it. One bike ride at a time. One run at a time. One day at a time.


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