Last night my friend Kristen and I decided to have a nice relaxing night in so I went to the store to find some white wine. When I got to the store I saw a sign that said "August is Washington State Wine Month" and there was a large display of wines made in Washington. Well of course I had to celebrate with a wine made in Washington. That is how they scam you right? Grocery stores prey on people like me who give in to such month-long holidays. I decided to get the wine from Snoqualmie. All I know about Snoqualmie is they have a ski resort (and mediocre white wine).

We each had a little glass before we called it a night. We were extremely exhausted but enjoyed catching up and chatting for a little bit of time.

Breakfast this morning was more Shredded Spoonfuls cereal and oat milk. This time I added bananas. I love fruit on my cereal or in my oatmeal. It makes it feel complete.

I also enjoyed half of an english muffin and smeared peanut butter and jelly on top. I can never decide, so I put them both.

In other news, today is my one year Blogger-versary! Hooray! I can't believe it has been an entire year since I started this thing. I did not really know what I was getting into but I knew I'd enjoy the occasional random postings about my life in Bellingham. Who knew I'd actually last a full year? My mom thinks I should be a journalist. I just think she's being the nice mom that she is and doesn't realize that my ramblings probably wouldn't make it in the harsh journal world. That, and I'd prefer to complete school any day now....but thanks mom! You know how to make a daughter smile. Another thing that makes me smile? The boardwalk by the bay.

I'm usually running on this boardwalk. Whenever I walk I feel weird like I should be moving faster or something. Today was nice and pleasant but I still felt I was doing something wrong. No worries, I got over it and enjoyed the scenery.

Lunch was another simple salad. Romaine lettuce, orange bell pepper and slivered almonds with a drizzle of olive oil and rosemary balsamic vinegar!

I polished of the other half of the english muffin and spread some guacamole hummus on top.
And of course, a string cheese. (this picture was tricky to take)Well, I'm going to make some brownies and then dinner (Clearly I have my priorities straight!)
See you sooner than later.
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