I know what you are thinking. "Shouldn't you be studying for that big test tomorrow, Anne?" YES yes, I know. I should! I partially am studying, you know. All of my papers are right next to me and I can tell you the entire process of metabolism if you truly wish. I am here to discuss a little article that I read. So basically, this procrastination is entirely CNN's fault. How dare that news site. Anyway, let's stay on track because I do need to get back to the thrilling night ahead of me.
The article: Social relationships key to survival, study says. By Elizabeth Landau Cnn.com Health Writer (aka The woman who has the job I need/desire in this lifetime)
This article was extremely interesting because it was all about having a good relationship with people and just by having that, you could live longer! Well how 'bout that, folks! Add a dozen years to my life, please! The study believes that having said relationships could equate to just how great it is for people who don't smoke and their increased lifespan. Okay, add another dozen years! I won't get carried away but apparently "people with adequate social relationships have a 50 percent greater likelihood of survival than people who have poor or insufficient relationships". Now, for the role of the Devil's Advocate. It will be played by Yours Truly. Ahem. What if I want to go out to restaurants with my group of social relationships and we go eat french fries and alfredo and cheesecake and LARD! Then we have milkshakes and margaritas! Mind you, we are such a close group of friends. Our relationship is legendary, even. Then what? Does the clogging of arteries cancel out and allow us to live longer? Hmm? Just checking (and I hope so.)

On a serious note (really, me? Serious?), I honestly adore the article. I don't care if those researchers just threw it together and put it in a journal of Medicine. I am a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine. So why can't friendships make you live longer?
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