This weekend has been jam packed with obligation after obligation. I wouldn't go ahead and say that it has been terrible but I wouldn't say that it has been fun either. It's okay because that happens every once in awhile. Homework, studying, researching have been piling up in school. I have been extremely busy trying to tackle all of those thrilling tasks. It's especially a blast when the weather is 65 outside and sunny! Saturday was my busiest of days. I woke up at six a.m. and got ready to help set up a garage sale. Our Community Health class has a community service project this quarter. We have to raise $1000 jars of baby food or $1000 dollars for the Food 4 Tots program at the Food Bank. It's incredible how many jars of food babies go through in a week and they are certainly in need of them. We have been doing a number of services but yesterday was the garage sale. I didn't have anything to contribute unfortunately, but I helped set everything up and used my immaculate upper body strength (HA!) to carry desks, tables, bags, microwaves and more. We had way more stuff than I thought we would have! I haven't been to a garage sale in awhile, so I forgot about crazy garage sale goers. Example: A lady walked up at 8am asking if we had books. We had a smallish pile with some textbooks in the mix. All of a sudden she pulls out her hand held scanner and goes through each book and the bar codes to check the prices. Um, excuse me! This is for the children. Can you just pay a dollar per book without seeing what other people are asking for it? She ended up reluctantly shelling out a few dollars. I'm sure she had other motives for those books. Then, another lady (probably her garage sale competition) came looking at the books. She pulled out a scanner TOO! Who are these people? She kindly told us that one of the textbooks we were asking 10 dollars for were going for $9.95 online. Thanks, lady. We ended up making over $500 yesterday! It was successful!
After learning about the garage sale crowd, I headed straight to CPR/First Aid training! I couldn't wait to spend five hours inside on such a fantastically beautiful day! I haven't been CPR certified since high school so I had forgotten a lot of the information but it was much easier to learn this time. I'm older, wiser, and you know...that helps. I can also do those chest compressions like a pro! 1 and 2 and 3 and 4....and 30. Two breaths. Repeat. Currently knocking on wood (or what looks like wood) so that I don't have to give CPR to anyone! Eee! After an exhausting five hours, I headed home. I planned to go for a run but thought I wouldn't make it without a quick nap. The time was 3:30pm. Alarm set for 5:00 pm. Woke up at 7 pm. Oops! How did that happen? Then it was time to catch up on shows that I missed this week, laundry and all of that homework I hadn't had a chance to get to yet. Oh life...
Now it's Sunday and I have a full day of homework and studying with a little Zumba! in between. More on Zumba later...I can talk about that forever. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and continues to enjoy the rest of it!
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