Saturday, November 28, 2009

Leftover thoughts...

Has the long holiday week/weekend left you confused on what the actual day is? I have been completely thrown off schedule and for that, it has left me baffled. Of course, I know it is Saturday November 28th, 2009 but I had to think about it before the realization hit. Since Wednesday I have been thrown off. The best part is that I have continuously been thinking that it is later in the week than it really is which makes me content. It's Saturday and it feels like Sunday. Two days ago felt like Saturday when it was clearly Thursday. Needless to say, this break has been the perfect amount of time to relax. I am getting back into finals mode after a few days (it doesn't matter what day it was, it was more important to fill it with stress-free activities) to calm down and enjoy company. Thanksgiving has passed by just like that! Did you have a wonderful day? I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and reveled in the delicious and comforting food surrounded by family and friends. What more do you need?
The crisp weather is turning into chilly weather. December will be arriving any day now. (I'm sure of it!) The thrill of the holiday season is accumulating in the air and there is an alluring warmth along with it. The thrill has hit me already. I'm thrilled at the thought of being home in a mere 14 days. 14! 2 weeks. 2 Saturday's from now. 7x2 days! Simply, a fortnight away from the Land of Lincoln. Well, I haven't really given it much thought...but I suppose that's when I will be home.

Enjoy Sun...Saturday and have a happy rest of the weekend!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

“Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking.”

It has been six whole months since I have moved to the beautiful West Coast. Six months. It doesn't seem like I have been experiencing, traveling, enjoying, discovering, and adapting to this lifestyle for half of a year already. It has been an incredibly rewarding change in my life and I can't see myself anywhere else for the time being. It's no wonder why three of my relatives have lived in this state for so very long!

The other day I began to think about living here. I thought about living on my own. I love that part but I couldn't help but realize the amount of talking I do, or the lack of talking. I mean, don't get me wrong, I always talk to people at school, and on the phone (multiple times per day....Mom...) but when I am at home? Who can I talk to? It is quite interesting, to be honest. I would love to do a study on how the amount of fewer words per day a person talks when they don't share a home with family or friends. Don't you think it would be a drastic difference? I'm not completely sure why I began thinking about this but it sort of came to me. Warning: This could mean that when I am in the presence of family and friends again I may which case, you may tell me to calm down. I will not be offended.

Naturally, I googled the topic. What was one of the first results, you ask? "Get a Roommate! Living Alone May Be Bad For Your Heart"

Hmm....Not exactly the response I was looking for. If anything is going to cause problems for my heart, it will be the stress of Anatomy and Organic Chemistry---NOT living alone in a peaceful place.

I suppose tax dollars would be better spent funding research on cancer and other unknowns so I will leave this topic up for debate. It's not worth spending much time thinking about. I mean, I'm not even talking about it. I'm just typing. Another case of lack of speaking. Technology...


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday not Shun-day.

Looks like a Sunday. I have been thinking about Sunday and how it draws the negative vibes. People dread Sunday because it means the work week, school week, or just a new week is about to begin or has started. Don't get me wrong, Sunday doesn't excite me in particular and I have dreaded the day just like many of you but I think we should take something into consideration here: Sunday is not Monday. Let me repeat, Sunday is NOT Monday. That, in itself, should please you.

I can be blamed for negativity toward the day but I thought that we should look at the positives of Sunday. Surely we can find something to enjoy on this day of rest and relaxation.

1. Sunday is a day of the weekend. It gets overshadowed by the significant other: Carefree Saturday. You can still accomplish things on Sunday!
2. Sunday is full of football (if you are into that sort of thing)
3. Sunday is full of God. (if you are into that sort of thing)
4. Sunday is usually the day award shows are televised. (if you are into that sort of thing)
5. Sunday allows you to relax and sleep in.
6. Sunday is a day for a delicious breakfast. (Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, in case you forgot! Indulging is welcomed.)
7. Sunday can be a day to catch up on anything. Your choice!
8. Sunday can be a perfect day to catch up on reading a good book.
9. Sunday can potential encourage cleaning. It's a judgment call.
10. Sunday is a day of thinking. Thinking ahead to the next week, thinking about what to cook, thinking about a bad call in a game, thinking about all the positive things to come, thinking about loved ones, thinking about the weather, thinking about winning a Nobel Prize...whatever it is, I do hope you think.
11. Sunday can be a day for family. Chatting, visiting, laughing with...your choice again.
12. Sunday should be like it sounds. A sunny day, regardless of the weather, and full of warmth and happiness.
13. Sunday is a day to push you to run errands early because the world shuts down early on this day!
14. Sunday doesn't want to be melancholy so don't let it.
15. Sunday is hopeful for the week ahead. So you should probably have the same attitude.

Sunday can't help where it falls in the week. I suppose we should show it a little more respect and appreciation. It's there to keep us on our toes. Don't let it bother you. All you have to do is enjoy it until the day turns into Monday...then we can change our attitudes...


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bear-y tired

It's one of those nights. A magnetic force is pulling my fingers to the keys of the computer in hopes that I will be able to blog about something so incredible that you will not believe a word of it! Well, on the contrary, I find myself at a loss of what to blog about. I can only think for so long before I tell myself that there is nothing up there in that brain of mine that feels like being translated into blog format. This has happened before, I'm aware of that. I cannot let you down without saying something though! After countless minutes (roughly 22) I decided to give in. I'm only human, you know. Yes you guessed it... I Googled "What should I blog about?" You'd think of 504,000,000 results, I'd have found something worthy but the truth is, I rummaged through a few of the first links and was not pleased. I'm already tired so I certainly do not have time to sift through millions of results. It is not uncommon to be at a loss for words. In fact, I learned some new terminology called "Blogger's block" which I'm currently facing. Anyway, there were plenty that suggested to "write something you are passionate about". Well, alright, where would I begin? That's like saying write about a dessert you like. So it's back to square one. What's the best thing to do when you're brain just doesn't want to function anymore? Sleep. Goodnight and I'll be back soon.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

I'm picking up the message, Lord.

I miss blogging. It is such an escape to just be able to type away about anything without worrying about a single thing. Of all the topics in the world, I can talk about which ever one I'd like without caring. It is my blog after all. Who cares? If you do care, you can stop reading. Go ahead. Still there? Great, I'm glad. It's more than likely that I may not talk about politics or historical facts from ancient Egypt, but I can promise you that I put time into what I say so if it takes a week and a half for a new post, I am giving it my all! November is here and all I can think about is how close the year is coming to an end. 2010? I'm not used to separating my zeros with another number. Whose idea was that? Ah well. I'll let it slide this time. Next year is quickly approaching but I'd prefer to think about the abundant end of the year. Plenty to keep me excited for, that is the truth!

It crossed my mind today at what point you become homesick? Is it hearing someone's voice? Thinking about the smells in the kitchen? Knowing that family is sitting together talking and wishing you could be there? Funny stories that have you laughing until you cry and unfortunately you cannot be discussing them face to face? There are so many different aspects that it is impossible to pinpoint the root of damage to your nostalgic mind.

Honestly, I'm fortunate to be homesick. After all, I am blessed to have something and some"things" to miss so much. So I have learned that being homesick may not be what you are craving but it doesn't mean that you can't still be grateful for opportunities and the prospect of returning home again to see familiar faces. There are few things that are more appealing than being surrounded by people that bring out your youthful spirit and vibrant laugh.

In closing, I miss blogging. I miss home cooked meals. I miss Chicago weather...(just kidding) I miss Sam and his wagging tail. I miss my family and friends. I miss a big kitchen. I miss hard wood floors. To sum up, I miss my home. While I am missing home, I am not forgetting how thankful and lucky I am to be able to see it again quite soon. December cannot come fast enough! I'd prefer it to be above zero degrees when I return, if at all possible. So if you can fulfill that request, I'd really appreciate it. I'm sure you can ask Oprah and she can figure it out.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Patience patience.

Sorry I have been absent for so long! I would rather be writing in here but I am afraid there is an issue with school taking over. Yes, you are aware of that nonsense but you should know, I'll write again soon! I promise. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?