Thursday, May 26, 2011

How NOT to run a marathon

Since the injury, my training for the Seattle Rock n' Roll Marathon has been...lacking.  Lacking lots of running.  Would you believe me if I said I haven't had time?  School has taken the lead and unfortunately, running has fallen behind.  I wish I had time.  Instead, I'm spending a few moments to say what you should not do when training.

  • Don't go a week without any form of workout because you will be panting on your quick 5-miler through the trails
  • Don't let sleep win every time-you definitely need to sleep but sometimes a run will have you feeling like a million bucks (until you crash at 2pm)
  • Don't forget the long runs.  The end of the training program is pretty long (26.2 mi) would be advantageous to practice those
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of liquids-water, water, water
  • Don't let your glycogen stores deplete!  There is no time for that nonsense when training!  Don't fatigue!
  • Don't forget that running can be enjoyable, not necessarily something to dread
Thus far, I have completed two long runs (15 and 18 miles) and have one 20 miler before it's coasting time until the marathon.  Sometimes I forget that I have to train with all of my school and work (and some social) commitments getting in the way. At the end of the day, that's more important than running a personal record time.  I'm not trying to qualify for anything here.  While the marathon is roughly 4 weeks away, I'm confident that whatever happens in my training between now and then, I will be able to complete the marathon.  Survival is enough for me.  Enjoying my last two weeks of school is also enough for me.  (Stay tuned: Very long post about this wonderful school experience to come).

Gotta run!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Things I know to be true

There is always something to look forward to.

Rain makes you appreciate the sun.

Artichokes are almost too beautiful to eat.  Almost.

Calling home everyday will keep you close when distance is in the way.

Without music, life would B Flat.

A mess can be cleaned up.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

What the what?

You know that saying, "when the roommates are away, a person will try to break in at 4:30am"?  

No?  Oh okay, well then I must be the only one familiar with it.  Today has been...exhausting/scary/interesting/odd.  Well if you didn't get a good overall picture from the saying, allow me to explain.  First, you should know my room is located upstairs in our house (address unknown).  Second, you should know I wake up easily.  Third, you should know that every time it's windy outside, I think the top half of the house will fly off.  Fourth, for 20 seconds this morning I thought there was an earthquake.
Scene: I'm dreaming about the grant proposal that I will have to spend the entire day on after running a 5k when I am woken up because our house developed some sort of tremor.  This tremor was what I instantly thought could be an earthquake.  By the way, I don't really remember what the earthquake protocol is but I was seconds away from going out on my roof.  That's another lesson for another day, but I'm pretty sure that is not the proper way to save yourself from earthquakes.  Meanwhile, the tremor worsened into loud thuds and my entire body shaking.  4:33am was when I moved my body out of bed to look toward the back alley.  It seemed nice and safe back there...ironically.  When the thuds became consistent I finally turned to my phone.  Surely none of my friends would be breaking into my house period without having contacted me first. At least for the go-ahead to knock the door down so that I could dream sweet grant writing dreams.  No, this was not a friend.  This was someone out of his/her mind (spoiler alert: it was a guy).  When I was finally alert, I called 911.  I was not sure if I had ever called 911 before so I didn't know what to say at first.  It ended up as "I live at (my address). Home alone. Noises. Breaking in. How far are they?" all shakely slurred together.  Turns out that wasn't very helpful.  I got it together for a second to tell the operator the deal.  She informed me that two cops were coming over.  At this point, I was unaware of this guy's progress downstairs at the front door.  Was it just the last kick that would tear the house down?  I did not know but I planned on jumping on the roof, jumping to the neighbors roof, and then making my next move from there.  Luckily for me and my lack of long jump skills, that didn't have to occur.  I heard silence.  The police were here.  I tiptoed to the upstairs window.  Um, was this really happening?  I think I heard birds starting to chirp.  Rough life.  Anyway, the police officer talked to this crazy man for about 25 minutes while I paced upstairs trying to calm my heart beats.  I thought it was time to creep downstairs and see what was the deal...without going outside.  I saw their silhouettes.  Then I saw a hole in the door.  Through the door.  Our door.  
I knew it was a little drafty this morning.  I'm not sure why the guy needed to break down the door.  If he had the wrong house, I'm not going to ask if there is any reason to validate his breaking in style.  Let's just say I'm glad he didn't just throw the chair through the window.  I don't have time to think about that though, I said I was exhausted.  Also, you probably shouldn't ask me about the 5k that I didn't attend.  My heart can only take so much.  Don't worry Mom, the surveillance cameras are now set up.  
